Greetings from Shaun

What a fantastic first term and a great start to the 2022 school year.  While it hasn't been without it's challenges, I am thankful of the community spirit and how everyone has worked together to make the first full term on site in quite some time as successful as it has been. 


This week we ran a very special assembly to congratulate our student leaders both the House Captains and the Junior School Councillors. I look forward to seeing the positive impact these amazing young leaders will have in our school and the community. 


2022 House Captains
2022 House Captains


2022 Junior School Council
2022 Junior School Council



Our students have done a wonderful job around the COVID-19 safety measures, such as RAT testing, wearing face masks and washing their hands regularly. This has no doubt contributed to our school minimising and to some extent avoiding widespread transmission of the virus. This week, the students were rewarded for their continued efforts with an extra 30 minutes of playtime in the yard with just their year level. The students were very excited to have the yard to themselves!


It was announced this week that RAT testing supplies for schools will continue for the first four weeks of Term 2, these will be sent home early in Week 1. We are also awaiting the delivery of additional air purifiers for the school, due to arrive within the next month. This is to increase ventilation in the winter months when it becomes more difficult to keep doors and windows open. 


We are excited to announce that from Term 2, Donna will step into the front office role full time. Joining her will be Bridgette McCoy. 


We farewell Natasha Bodanac, who has been working with us since last year, and wish her all the best for her future ventures. 


Please ensure you have a restful break and stay safe. I am looking forward to seeing you all next term on Tuesday the 26th of April. Take care.