Inquiry Centre


Wow! What a fantastic first week back for Term 2 in the Inquiry Centre. It was wonderful to reconnect with our teachers and classmates and share all of our exciting holiday activities. It was fantastic to see students reconnecting with their friends and enjoying being back together again.


In Literacy this week, we have been looking at the features of nonfiction texts. We have linked this with First Nations Perspectives and ANZAC Day to explore different texts including poems, news articles and fact files. A highlight for students was exploring recipes and making ANZAC biscuits in the kitchen. Students have also reviewed and reset their goals for this term including reading, writing, mathematics and personal goals. These will be uploaded to Seesaw to share with families. 

Next week, we will be restarting our reading group rotations. As part of these rotations we will be introducing individual spelling words for students. These will be chosen each week in class with students focusing on exploring patterns and identifying both Codes and spelling rules within their words. Students will review their progress with their peers each week and select new words as required. At home, students are still encouraged to read nightly with their families and discuss school activities. There will be no specific spelling work to do at home. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any further questions. 

In Mathematics, students have been exploring addition and subtraction. This has included looking at different strategies that can be used both in our heads and using concrete materials. Students have been encouraged to use multiple strategies and identify which strategies might be most suited to different contexts and questions. Students have enjoyed showing their individuality by selecting different strategies and discussing their preferences with their partner. 

We are looking forward to another wonderful term in the Inquiry Centre,

Miss Glen, Mrs Martin, Miss Molloy, Mrs Seadon, Mr Shaw, Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Tang

Student Voice

  • Clara M - "My holiday was ok, but I missed coming to school"
  • Jordan P - "I missed playing with my friends"
  • Harriet L - "I like learning at school"


  • As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child has layers of clothing to suit the ever-changing Melbourne climate. Please ensure all removable items are clearly named. 
  • Please check your child has their headphones at school, as some went home over the holidays.  

Pupil of the Week

1/2ET: Tyson O - 

For working hard and finding multiple answers to our addition problem solving task about fitting students on a double decker bus. You showed perseverance and determination! Great job, Tyson!


1/2G: Amatullah A - 

For demonstrating perseverance when solving addition problems about how many passengers were on each level of the bus. It was great to see your problem solving skills! Super work, Amatullah!


1/2K: Ava H -

For demonstrating teamwork when brainstorming reasons why we should have a class pet in every grade. You shared your ideas with you partner and used creativity to explain your ideas. Amazing Ava!


1/2M: Elsie B - 

For demonstrating a love of learning in Maths this week. You consistently ‘had a go’ at every problem, even when it was challenging. You used multiple addition strategies and thought about which one would be most suited to different problems. Keep up the awesome work, Elsie! 


1/2SS: Marley N - 

For demonstrating kindness and zest in the classroom. You bring a wonderful energy to our class and display the school value of inclusion. Well done on being such a kind and caring member of 1/2SS. Super Marley!