Parents & Friends 

💐The Mother’s Day Stall is on this Friday! 

Gifts will be priced between $2-$5 and school students have the opportunity to purchase 2 gifts for Mum/Grandma/Aunty/Carer. Please remember to send your money in a named envelope. 

We still have a couple of empty spots if you’ve got time to volunteer:


Kindergarten Students will have the opportunity to purchase a $2 gift at the Kinder Stall - held either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday corresponding with their class session. 


🍪This term we are also running a Billy G’s Cookie Dough fundraiser 🤤

It will be quite a short ordering period before the due date so the company has time to send out cookie tubs before the end of term. 

Order forms should hopefully go home either late this week or next week. Start making room in the freezer for your tubs 😄


🎂+🌭 The Federal Election is looming! The Cake Stall & Sausage Sizzle are always great fundraisers for the school, and we ALWAYS sell out of cakes by midday. We’ll have a roster link ready soon (thanks Emily!!!) for both the BBQ and the Cake Stall if you’re able to donate an hour or more of your time on either stall. 

Big thank you to George Ma for volunteering to co-ordinate the BBQ on the day!! 


🎂The cake raffle raised $37 last week. Thank you to Meredith Neilson (sorry for the mistake!) and Briana Dowling for supplying last week’s prizes. 


👍🏻 If you haven’t already, please join the Parents Facebook group:

It’s a great place to stay up to date with school events and connect with fellow parents. Please remember to answer the two questions when you request to join. 


📪If you would like more information regarding the Parents & Friends community, the email address is or you can find me through the Parent Facebook Group. 


Flip McKinnon

Parents & Friends Co-ordinator