MEC Wellbeing

An update from the Wellbeing Team

Research shows there are five simple things you can do as part of your daily life – at work and at home – to build resilience, boost your wellbeing and lower your risk of developing mental health problems. These simple actions are known internationally as the Five Ways to Wellbeing.

The Wellbeing Team at Mount Erin College use this as the framework to support our work supporting you, the students. 

No matter what’s happening in our lives, there are things we can do to support our wellbeing

Try doing at least one of these each day!

5 Ways to Wellbeing
5 Ways to Wellbeing

Go outside! Go for a run, dance, cycle, garden. 

Discover ways to move your body that bring you joy

Connect with your friends: Building relationships helps you feel you belong

Try something new. Learn a new skill. Pick up an old hobby. Learn to cook or play an instrument. Challenge yourself!

Notice the world around you and appreciate the beautiful, the strange and the intriguing. 

Show gratitude for the little things.

Do something nice for a friend. Say thank you. Volunteer your time to help others