
Year 6 Celebration Chapel

On Friday, 26 November, Year 6 students and parents/caregivers have been invited to an end of year Celebration Chapel commencing at 5:00 pm. All Year 6 students are to assemble in the rose garden near Circular Drive at 4:45 pm. Please ensure your daughters are wearing their formal uniform for this special occasion. Due to the inclement weather, the celebration after the Chapel Service will be held in the Lower LRC.

Christmas Carols Service

Please join our College community for the Christmas Carols Service on Tuesday, 30 November, from 6:00 pm in the Assembly Hall. The Service will run for approximately 45 minutes and be followed by drinks and light refreshments for purchase. Piccolo Choir, Campo delle Voci and various Secondary students will be performing on the night. Please register your attendance through the link on this invitation.


We will be supporting UnitingCare Foster and Kinship Care with their Christmas appeal on this evening. Please bring along Christmas gifts that will be donated to children in the Brisbane region. Please refer to the below link for more details.