
INQUIRY in the Specialist Programs 


In Inquiry learning this term, students have been investigating Earth Space Science. Our Specialist teachers have been making links to learning about space in their programs. We are looking forward to sharing some of the beautiful moon art from Leah’s art program in the coming weeks. 


Performing Arts 


Our F/1 students have been incorporating their science learning about space into the Performing Arts classes. They have written their own song about space based on the picture book 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?'. 

They are currently practising singing this song and are preparing to perform it to the new Foundation cohort of 2022. Well done and good luck F/1 students! 






In STEM, students in F- 6 have been learning about Space. They have been investigating the Southern Hemisphere constellations and learning to identify them. We are really impressed with the collaborative work of students in their STEM sessions.


Well done everyone !


-Vicki and Robbie