Principal's Update

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

AGENCY  - 'Encourage one another and build one another up'.

(1 Thessalonians 5: 11)

‘In a Catholic school young people are empowered to develop as optimistic global citizens capable of articulating their beliefs and worldview in light of the Catholic faith and tradition’. 

(Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM) 2017, Horizons of Hope)


Dear Families,


This term we have launched into our new Inquiry Study of 'Place' with rigour and wonder! with our new discovery corner set up in the hall with an array of historical artifacts and big questions and bolstered by the expertise of our resident Historian, Jean we have well and truly become immersed. I know that when I shared these artifacts with the staff we had some of our young teachers who had questions about numerous objects. Their purpose is to spark 'wonderings' and conversations that lead our learners into rich student-led investigations. 

Our Inquiry this term is centered around the Humanities with a particular focus on History and Geography. We all have a place in Australia and Australia has a place in the world.

We are thinking about… 

  • The overarching concepts
  • What this means for a person of faith
  • Student led Inquiry
  • Building towards a Learning Expo at the end of Term 2

Our big overarching questions for study are as follows. They may adapt and change as our learning progresses:

  • Prep:  Where are we in the world? How does the world change? and How do we care for God’s creation? 
  • 1/2: How and why are people connected to family, church, community and their place in the world?
  • 3/4: How can my knowledge of how my place has changed through history help me ensure the common good for the world I will be living in?
  • 5/6: What makes this place unique? (linking Australia and world, cultures/religions)

Concept based Inquiry that also makes links with Religion is a powerful vehicle for learning that promotes meaning and understanding, and challenges students to engage with significant ideas. Concepts are powerful and broad and help to build understandings across between and beyond subjects. We are building learning links this term and building collaborative learning relationships and really incorporating lots of experiential learning. Please visit our discovery corner and have a look at our provocations with your children before or after school. You never know, there might be something that sparks a question or a memory in you!



Congratulations to our newly Confirmed students. Guided by the light of the Baptismal candle, our service was celebrated by The Very Reverend Fr. Brendan Hayes, Episcopal Vicar and our very own Fr. John Paul Mount. It was a special night filled with warmth, the love of family and the support of the Our Lady of Fatima Staff. 


Fr. Brendan reminded our candidates of the immense light and spirit that young people carry with them through their lives to impact the world. He is certainly correct. The light within all of our Fatima students shines brightly as they all joyfully recommenced their term with the greatest of excitement. The reverent way all students observed our ANZAC service at Assembly also echoes the sentiment of our visiting presenter on Friday, Dvir Abramovich who was captivated by the kindness, purpose and grace of our school community. 


'Encourage one another and build one another up'. (1 Thessalonians 5: 11)


Go gently and as always, if you have any feedback, questions or ideas we’d love to hear about them. Positive feedback drives our work forward. Positive interactions drive our work forward.


God Bless,

Patrika Rowley