College life in pictures

Happy snaps from the past fortnight!

Palm Sunday Liturgy

The Junior School gathered to celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem with a Palm Sunday Liturgy held on Monday 29 March. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week—the final week of Lent. Dressed in traditional garments, the children processed up and down the aisles of the Cathedral, waving blessed palms and singing joyful hymns. 

So much to 'sea' and learn at the Marine Discovery Centre!

The Year 1 classes had a 'whale of a time' during their recent excursion to the Marine Discovery Centre. The students enjoyed exploring the centre and getting up close personal with tank invertebrates. The visit also included scientific activities around bioluminescence, habitats, animal external features, investigating plankton using microscopes, feeding the animals and exploring the sea with an underwater drone. 

An adventure in the great outdoors

The Year 9s were very lucky to have three days of sunshine and clear skies for their adventure camp in Dysart. Check out some of the action from the trip below, where bonds were strengthened and communication skills were tested across a range of fun team building challenges, ropes courses, archery and bushwalking. 

Mosque visit 

The Year 9 Life and Faith classes recently visited the Hobart Mosque as part of their focus on Islam in their Abrahamic Religious Traditions unit. Thank you to Imama Sabri Samson for welcoming us and teaching us more about Islam. 

Year 8s stop by the Synagogue 

In Year 8 students are studying Judaism as part of their focus on Abrahamic Religious Traditions in Life and Faith. Steven Graetzer, a member of the Hobart Jewish community, taught the group about the history of the building and the local Jewish worshipping community. 


Team work makes the dream work

Need to move 100 mats? That's no problem for our Year 11 and 12s, who rolled up their sleeves to get the job done!