
This is a direct and up to date copy of our SENTRAL calendar. 



Thursday 6 May

Newlands Newbies - Newlands Pre School

Friday 7 May

Newlands Newbies - Lake Park Kindergarten

5pm Open Outdoor Cinema - PFA Community Event

11am- 2pm Grade 4/5/6 Interschool Sports (Home Game)

Tuesday 11 May 

9:30am- 11:30am Year 3 NAPLAN - Writing Conventions

12:30pm- 2pm Year 3 NAPLAN - Writing

Wednesday 12 May

9:15am- 11am Year 3 NAPLAN - Mathematics

Thursday 13 May

Newlands Newbies - Pelican Childcare

9:15am- 11am Year 3 NAPLAN - Reading

Friday 14 May 

11am- 2pm 4/5/6 Interschool Sports

Sunday 16 May

All Day Working Bee

Monday 17 May

National Walk Safely to School Day

Emergency Evacuation Drill

9:15am- 11am Year 5 NAPLAN - Writing Conventions

12:30pm- 2pm Year 5 NAPLAN - Writing

Tuesday 18 May

9:15am- 11am Year 5 NAPLAN - Mathematics

Wednesday 19 May

SSV Coburg District Cross Country Championships

National Simultaneous Storytime

Student Congregation

9:15am- 11am Year 5 NAPLAN - Reading

Thursday 20 May

Newlands Newbies - Inspire Minds Montessori

Friday 21 May

11am- 2pm 456 Interschool Sports

Monday 24 May

F/1  excursion to Scienceworks

Wednesday 26 May

National Sorry Day

Thursday 27 May

9:30am- 10:30am Nino Kindergarten - Newlands Newbies

Friday 28 May

9am- 12pm 4/5/6 Interschool Sports



Wednesday 2 June

4:45pm- 5:45pm Buildings & Grounds Meeting

Thursday 3 June

Mabo Day Celebration

3:45am- 04:45am Education Sub Committee

9:30am- 10:30am Coburg Children's Centre - Newlands Newbies

1pm- 4pm AEU Rep Training for Brenna and Laura

Friday 4 June

Finance Sub Committee

11am- 2pm 4/5/6 Interschool Sports

Thursday 10 June

Newlands Newbies - Nara Explorers (Afternoon Session)

Friday 11 June

2/3 La Trobe Sanctuary excursion

Wednesday 16 June 

6.30 pm- 8.30 pm School Council Meeting

Thursday 17 June

Newlands Newbies - Barry Beckett

Friday 18 June

All Day Curriculum Day (No Students) - Bilingual Conference

Newlands Writers Festival - TBC

11am- 2pm 4/5/6 Interschool Sports

Wednesday 23 June

11:15am- 5pm Parent Teacher Interviews

Thursday 24 June

1:30pm- 2:30pm Open Day of Learning

2:30pm School Term Finish

Friday 25 June 2021

Last Day of Term 2. Students finish 2.30 pm