Secondary News

From The Assistant Principal...
Welcome back parents and students.
A really great start to the year – student behaviour has been excellent and we continue to be proud of them. A special welcome to the new Year 7’s.
A few reminders:
All students need to come with a charged electronic device everyday.
Juniors – IPAD leased from either the school or BYOD (bring your own device) that meets our specifications
Seniors – BYOD device. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Student in V3 will be using Edrolo this year – to assist them in their VCE studies. It is important that payments for Edrolo be made asap – as senior course work has begun and Edrolo is needed to assist and enhance their learning. Edrolo we believe will be of valuable assistance to our students.
Locker and student planner distribution – are progressing well. Once essential items payment has been made then all students will receive their locker and student planner. Parents can make payments via the office or via the app Qkr. Any parent/guardian requiring financial assistance must make contact with our student wellbeing coordinator or the general office.
We look forward to working with you to ensure that all students achieve their best and ask that you make contact with us at any time to assist you with any concerns or questions.
I look forward to working with you in 2017 and remind you always that I am happy to be of service to you at any time.
Rosanna Spina
College Captain Profiles 2017
Kirsten Hallett 12A
My name is Kirsten Hallett and I am one of the 2017 College Captains for Carwatha College P-12. I participated in the V3 program and have already completed Biology
3&4 Chemistry 3&4, and English 3&4. In 2017 I will be studying Health and Human Development 3&4, Further Mathematics 3&4 Psychology 3&4 and First Year University Biology, via the Monash Extension program.
When I finish high school I hope to attend university and study nursing or medicine. I have been at Carwatha since Year 7 and it has been a goal of mine since then to become a College Captain. Outside of school I enjoy playing netball and field hockey, attending church and working at my part-time job.
My memorable moments of 2016 include participating in the Deb ball and speaking on behalf of Carwatha College P-12 at the Mock United Nations Assembly. As a leader, I hope to promote a greater focus on maintaining a healthy mental state during VCE. I look forward to working with everyone in 2017.
Jordan Hallett 12A
My name is Jordan Hallett and I am one of the College Captain for 2017. I have always aspired to be a College Captain and I believe that this role will give me the opportunity to develop my leadership skills as I work in a team to support my College activities. I have been at Carwatha College since Year 7 and have been involved in various sporting events, activities and leadership positions since then.
Last year I studied two Unit 3 and 4 subjects: Physical Education and Health and Human Development. This year I am studying Biology, English, Further Maths and Psychology. I plan to study a Bachelor of Primary Teaching once I have finished my final year of schooling. I enjoy playing basketball, spending time with friends and family and watching Netflix. I also work part-time as a basketball referee, which I thoroughly enjoy.
Some of my most memorable moments at Carwatha have been making new friends and participating in the debutante ball. As part of my role this year, I plan to set an example in work ethic in all areas of my learning and involvement at Carwatha College. I am a friendly and approachable person, so if you see me around the school, do not hesitate to say hello.
Dylan Amante 12A
Hi, my name is Dylan Amante and I am one of the Carwatha College Captains for 2017. My previous studies include English 3&4, Legal Studies 3&4 and Further Mathematics 3&4. This year I will be studying several subjects: Psychology, Literature, History and Legal Studies, to contribute to my goal of becoming a criminologist. I have been at Carwatha since Year 7 and have forged many friendships with my peers.
Previous College Captains have inspired me to become a College leader. Now that I have achieved this, my only wish is to live up to the expectations of my predecessors. I hope to assist the College in its endeavours in any way I can. I will proudly represent the College and my peers and promote this great school so that the wider community can appreciate how amazing our school truly is.
Aside from being an avid student, I also love to read books and watch films, specifically sci-fi, as space has always fascinated me. However, my favourite pastime is playing videogames, partially due to my enjoyment of them and partially due to the insatiable curiosity I have towards how far video games have come and how far they will go in regards to development.
One of the reasons I was so inspired to become a leader was being at my first school assembly in Year 7 and listening to the High Achievers of 2011 deliver their advice speeches to the student body. One speaker, who I regret not knowing the name of, described Year 12 as like being pregnant – having to work incredibly hard for 9 months before being rewarded with a great gift and a new beginning. That speech was powerful enough to have stayed with me to this day, and although it seems odd, it empowered me to pursue a leadership position and have the opportunity to be standing up there, giving that speech to my successors.
Jarvis Ho 12A
Hello, my name is Jarvis Ho and I am one of the College Captains for 2017. I have been at Carwatha since the start of my schooling, back in Prep. Over the course of the V3 program, I have completed English 3&4 and Mathematical Methods 3&4, but I am retaking these subjects this year as I believe I can achieve a greater score than I did last year. This year, I am also studying Psychology, Media and Informatics.
After graduation, I would like to go to RMIT and study a course in Digital Media, as I wish to work in the film and television industry. In my spare time I enjoy playing video games with my friends, reading comics and graphic novels, relaxing with my family and socialising with my friends.
I try to be as positive as I can, as I believe that just having a smile on your face can make someone else’s day just that bit better. If I can make even one person smile each day, I consider it as a successful day. This is just one of the reasons why I wanted to be a leader this year – to give everyone a chance to make the best of their time at school and enjoy it, even with the workload of VCE.
I have a lot of ideas for our school that I would like to make into reality this year and I believe that we can make 2017 one of the best years for Carwatha College P-12. If anyone in the school has problems or questions that they would like help with, please do not hesitate to talk to me and I will try my best to support you in any way I can.
SRC Elections
On Tuesday, February 7, secondary students voted for their peers in the annual SRC (Student Representative Council) elections. The SRC consists of secondary students (guided by staff) who are responsible for representing their peers in leading the way for positive changes to our school. It was great to see so many students at each year level nominating themselves for this important role, and talking to their peers at assemblies about the personal qualities that would make them a successful leader. All secondary students voted in an official ballot. Congratulations to Ms Bawa, her team of student helpers and all students involved in this event – it was conducted very formally and efficiently. Good luck to all of the nominees!
Mrs Crawford.
Music At Carwatha
College P-12
Yesterday on February 7, the Year 7 students were treated to an amazing musical performance by Yr 11 students: Winona Bonne, Hayley Lucas and Filimon Moutis, ably assisted by music teachers Damien Maughan and Marina Novelli. A reminder to parents/guardians and secondary students that we offer lessons to students in singing and the playing of musical instruments. If you wish to participate in this program, please contact the school.
Mrs Crawford
Year 7 and 12 Buddy Day
On Wednesday, February 8th, a new Year 12 program took place. Year 12 students were assigned a Year 7 buddy to welcome them to the school community and make them feel included in our special Carwatha family. We met our buddies at lunchtime and after the initial introductions, we got the opportunity to get to know them. I can confidently say that everyone had a great time making new friends and enjoying the experience. It was nice seeing new faces around, and talking with the Year 7's brought back a feeling of nostalgia for us in Year 12. We found ourselves turning the clock back, reminiscing, and sharing our loved Year 7 memories with our buddies. I know I speak for all the Year 12s when I say that I can't wait to spend more time with them throughout the year. This will be a rewarding experience not only for the Year 7's but no doubt for us, the Year 12's as well.
Viktoria Karkatzoulis
Year 12
Fraser House Captain.
From The Year 7 Coordinator...
Welcome to our new year 7’s!!
I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome our Year 7 students and their families to Carwatha College for 2017. Starting at a new school can be an exciting, but also a daunting time. Getting used to new routines, navigating the timetable and making new friends. It has been great to see all our Year 7 students settling in well and having a very positive start to the school year.
The standard of behaviour has been excellent both in lessons and around the school, with many teachers commenting on the good progress being made by students, even at this early stage. It has been particularly encouraging to see how supportive the students have been of each other. Students also look very smart in their uniforms and are proving to be a credit to themselves, to you and to Carwatha College P-12.
During these first couple of weeks, students have experienced their first whole school as well as year level assembly. A musical performance by our amazing music department, and a very successful meeting with Year 12 buddies! To help students transition into their first year of secondary school I strongly recommend that you check that your child’s uniform, books, planner and equipment are clearly labelled with their name. To help students with their studies, a quiet place at home to complete their homework/ home study would be an advantage. To support this process, I encourage parents to check the planner on a regular basis to ensure that tasks are being recorded and completed.
If you have any concerns about your son or daughter’s progress please contact our General Office to arrange an appointment .
Mrs Georgia Rentzis
Year 7 Coordinator
First ever year level assembly
Year 7 Maths activity
Fun in the Yard