Principal's Report

From the Principal
Dear Families, Students and Community Members,
Welcome to the 2017 school year; a special welcome to all of our Prep students, new year 7 students and to new students at other year levels who are joining us for the first time and to their families. I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday break with family and friends and is looking forward to a positive year ahead.
My name is Pat Mulcahy and I am extremely excited to have been appointed the Principal of Carwatha College P–12.
I am proud to be the Principal of Carwatha College P-12 and I hope you are proud to be a part of our community. I am looking forward to the year ahead and hope that all students make the most of the opportunities and challenges that are presented to them.
My ongoing mantra to everyone here is to provide a safe, inclusive and supportive environment, where all school members are empowered to achieve their personal best, to become lifelong learners and to be productive members of our society. Underpinning this focus are our core values of Respect, Commitment, Teamwork and Excellence. It is so important that they continue to be evident in how we all work together throughout the year.
As a school community focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for all of our students we need to continually reflect and seek improvement in everything we do. I am currently finalising our Annual Implementation Plan a document that will guide our decision making for the year. Our key improvement strategies for 2017 will be to:
- Build teacher capacity to develop high impact teaching strategies.
- Continue to develop a vibrant and explicit curriculum that meets the needs of our students.
- Continue to build strong relationships with the school community.
Key contacts for 2017
We welcome and encourage open communication with parents. I am happy to speak with parents about any matter. Please feel free to contact me or one of the Assistant Principals, Sheila Horn, or Rosanna Spina, if you would like a matter clarified or if you have a concern.
Primary parents are encouraged to communicate openly and regularly with their child’s teacher. Please understand that teachers are busy at the start of the school day, welcoming and supervising students so it is always best to make an appointment if you wish to meet with your child’s teacher.
For secondary parents, the following staff are the main contacts:
Year 7, 8 & 9
Junior school leader (Years 7, 8 & 9) – Kevin Fahey
Year 7 Year Level Co-ordinator – Georgia Rentzis
Years 8 & 9 Year Level Co-ordinator – Barrie Skadins
Years 10, 11 & 12
Senior school leader (Years 10, 11 & 12) – Sally Ross
Year 10 Year Level Co-ordinator – Joe Haddad
Year 11 Year Level Co-ordinator – Ipshita Bawa
Year 12 Year Level Co-ordinator – Lambrini Christopher
Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator - Catherine Dunn
Careers Manager - Jodie McCarthy
Excursion Levy
The cost of the excursion levy covers the main excursions for the year level for the year. These excursions are a compulsory part of our program and all students are expected to participate. Details for each year level were provided with the information about Materials and Services payments and Voluntary Contributions. This arrangement makes it easier and more convenient for parents. If you have not yet paid the levy, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any concerns about payment of the excursion levy, please contact Wendy Parkinson, our Business Manager.
School Council elections
Nominations for School Council are called for. The closing date for nominations if Monday the 20th of February at 4.00 pm. Nomination forms can be collected from the office. Serving on Council, or one of its sub-committees is an excellent way of supporting our college and playing a role in its development. Further information on School Council can be found later at the end of the newsletter. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss issues associated with School Council.
We have a strict uniform policy at Carwatha College P-12 and I do ask for parents’ support in ensuring that students are wearing the full and correct uniform each day. In particular, secondary students must wear appropriate footwear (black lace up or T-bar). Sneakers and “ballerina type” shoes are not permitted.
The only acceptable school jacket for secondary students is the official jacket available from our uniform supplier. Year 5 & 6 students can also wear this jacket.
Full details of uniform requirements are outlined in secondary student planners, primary diaries and other information brochures about the school. Please contact the school if you are unsure.
For the safety of students, please observe the 2 minute drop off times at the front of the school. Parking officers patrol this area regularly and will fine you if you park longer than 2 minutes. Parents are not permitted to park in the staff car parks when dropping off or picking up students. In the interest of safety please do not double park or park in front of driveways.
I would also like to remind parents that school starts each day at 8.45 a.m. All students should be at school in time to enter classrooms at that time. Secondary students need to allow time to go to their lockers before Period 1, so should aim to arrive at school by 8.30 a.m. I would also like to remind primary families that all primary students are required to have a school hat which must be worn whenever students are outside during Terms 1 & 4 as part of the school’s “Sunsmart” policy.
Once again, welcome back to the new school year. The staff and I look forward to working with you to ensure a productive and successful year for our students.
Pat Mulcahy