Clean Up Australia Day 2022

Sustainable Practices

Sustainability and caring for our country have become big focus areas at Curiosity this year and we would love for you to join us on this learning journey.


To extend our learning in this area and take action as members of our community we have registered for Clean Up Australia Day. 


However, as Clean Up Australia Day is on Sunday the 6th of March we have chosen Friday the 11th to clean our beloved Deborah Grove Reserve. 


If you are unaware of this area it is located behind the school and we are very fortunate to have this as a bush kindy and nature play space to take our learning and play beyond our Curiosity gates. 


We would like to extend an invitation to all families to join us in this important learning. 


When:  Fri 11th of March

Time:  10 - 11:30am

Meet:  Curiosity carpark

Bring:  Hat, sunscreen, gloves and drink bottle

Who:  Family members are welcome to join us as this is an outside event.  We do require some volunteers who have completed their training via the school to support small groups of children exploring the site.


Please email Mrs Gliddon to register your attendance and or ability to volunteer. Siblings may attend but must be under close supervision at all times.


We hope to see you there.


Mrs Amelia and Mrs Gliddon