Senior School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning -
Mr Jason Tickner
In the first edition of our Westall newsletter this year, I would like to welcome Senior School parents and families to 2022. I would also like to acknowledge new staff who have joined the senior team this year: Mr Sean Fraser (VCAL Coordinator), Ms Paula McIntosh (VCAL), Ms Juliete Reim (EAL), and Ms Jessie Li (VCAL).
As this is the first edition of the newsletter, I would also like to introduce the Senior School Management Team for 2022:
Assistant Principal (Yr10-12)
Ms Sue Simadri
Director of Learning (Senior School)
Mr Jason Tickner
Year 12 Year Level Coordinator
Ms Ellen Rankin
Year 11 Year Level Coordinator
Ms Helen Ifandis
VCAL Coordinator
Mr Sean Fraser
Senior School Education Support
Ms Vicky Karayiannis
Careers & Pathways
Ms Geraldine Borgonha
Senior student leaders will be presented with their leadership badges at an official assembly in the coming weeks. The senior student leaders for 2022 are:
School Captains
Mai Dinh & Kaif Mohammed Qais
College Vice Captains
Alyssa Evangelista & Nelia Moeroa
Arts Captain
Yves Avila
Inclusion & Wellbeing Captain
Monica Maroki & Daisy Cui
International Captain
Lucy Tran
VCAL Captain
Kameti Jarso
Sports Captain
Ishmeet Kaur & Tim Huang
At the beginning of this year, all of our senior students were involved in the Year 12 Study Camp or the Year 11 Study Program. Both programs were a great success and have set a good tone for the start of the year focussed on learning and achieving academic success with students VCAL and VCE programs. These programs have also received very positive feedback from students. Congratulations to Ms Simadri, Ms Rankin, Ms Ifandis and Mr Fraser for their efforts in organising these events for staff and students.
Overall, we have enjoyed a positive start in the senior school as our VCE students are completing their first round of SACs & SATs, whilst our VCAL students continue to work hard in all aspects of their program, both in and out of the classroom. Our senior teachers have focussed on outlining subject specific information and expectations to students, while adapting their teaching strategies and approaches to the needs of our students. Our teachers are continually updating Compass and Teams with information to students to assist them to stay focussed and organised throughout the year.
Our senior students have participated in a range of curricular and extra-curricular activities and programs that have included: study camps/programs, subject specific excursions, House Swimming Carnival and student-led activities. It is my hope that our senior students approach every aspect of their school life with enthusiasm and a desire to succeed. It is particularly important for our VCE students to create a home study program that balances all time commitments, including school and part-time work. A key for success in a student’s final years of school, is consistency in study and organisation at home and at school.
Our web-based school management system, Compass, continues to be an effective tool for teachers, students and importantly parents to access. Using Compass allows parents and families to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your son/daughter’s progress. Compass includes many different features, including the ability to:
- Monitor your student’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness;
- View your student’s timetable and the school calendar;
- Communicate with your student’s teachers;
- Update your family contact details;
- Download and view your student’s semester reports.
If you are not accessing Compass, please download the app onto your phone and get your son/daughter to show you its features and how it can be used.
- Parent contact is made with school when students are absent. This can be done by phoning the WSC main office, who will then direct your call to the senior sub-school office. Alternatively, parents can email Ms Karayiannis
who records and monitors all student attendance at a senior level.
- A reminder that VCE/VCAL students must maintain a 90% attendance standard throughout the year to ensure coursework can be authenticated.
- If a VCE student is, absent for a SAC task, a medical certificate is required. An alternative SAC task will be re-scheduled and completed the following Wednesday after school from 3.30pm-4.30pm. This session is supervised by either the Director of Learning (Senior School) or a Year Level Coordinators. Students cannot be graded for a SAC or SAT without a VCE/VCAL approved absence.
- Although we have seen a general improvement in the standard of uniform from senior students, I would encourage all parents to ensure your son/daughter is wearing the correct uniform to school. Dress length, fake eye lashes, inappropriate footwear and jewellery are the main issues with our senior students to this point in the year. Parent/Guardian assistance will ensure student compliance in this area.
- A reminder that students are not allowed to use their mobile phones in class or at recess and lunchtime. The expectation is that senior students keep their mobile phones in their lockers once they arrived at school.
- Please ensure that both parents/guardians and students are checking Compass on a regular basis. Students should be accessing lessons plans and school news on a daily basis as well as checking feedback provided on school-based assessments and coursework. Parents/Guardians can access all of the above information and use Compass to approved events and excursions.
Thank you
Mr Jason Tickner
Director of Learning - Senior School
Year 12 Update
The first term of 2022 has been off to a great start for the Year 12s. We began in the city for Year 12 Camp where we had a great time getting to know each other and learn valuable study skills for the year ahead. VCAL students went on an amazing race and visited the Immigration Museum where they worked on a booklet that contributed to their outcomes for the year. VCE students attended presentations that focussed on preparing them to set goals, develop strategies, look after themselves, and overcome challenges, basically, getting them into the right frame of mind to achieve their best. They were also involved in learning about digital safety and road safety. Students participated in a wellbeing session and demonstrated their creativity by presenting a 3-minute performance in front of their peers. Furthermore, all students attended a virtual presentation from RMIT and listened to the advice and wisdom of Westall's past Year 12 students in the Been There Done That session. Overall, it was a fantastic experience and I loved getting to know all the Year 12s better and helping them prepare for a great year ahead.
Ms Ellen Rankin
Year 12 Coordinator