New Leadership Positions for 2022

By Lance Davidson (Deputy Principal) 

We are pleased to announce the following 2 staff who will be stepping into the Head of Junior & Head of Middle School roles for next year.


Head of Junior School - Cathleen Barker


Cathleen came to Australia from the US in 2000. She has 4 sons; 3 are established in their careers and Josiah begins Year 12 at BHCS next year. She has had over 25 years of experience in education and has taught across year levels of P-10, in a variety of school settings. She has a BA in Education and an MA in Educational Leadership. She has served as Learning Design Leader at BHCS for the last 4 years. Cathleen lives out her faith daily through doing her best to love God and to love others. 


Head of Middle School - Paul Lewry


Paul is excited to join the Belgrave Heights Christian School community, not only as a parent, but also as the Head of Middle School commencing in 2022. He has been in education for 13 years and worked in a range of schools but most recently at Flinders Christian Community College. His journey in leadership has gifted him the opportunity to lead various teams in both educational institutions as well as the not for profit and business sectors. Paul & his wife are proud parents of two amazing daughters who both attend BHCS. As a Christian, he believes in the power of Christian education to help each individual student become the best version of themselves to have a lasting impact in the world around them.



We look forward to the positive impact they will have on the school community in their roles next year.