Thank You Dirk

By Warwick Davidson on behalf of the School Council

Belgrave Heights Christian School has been a place of great blessing – at times through the most difficult circumstances and, at others, through the most extraordinarily happy circumstances. Whether we have been students, parents, teachers, administrative staff, maintenance staff or members of school Council, we can say that God has been pleased to provide us all we need and far more.  


Dirk Jackson
Dirk Jackson

We have probably all prayed at some point in our lives the words of the Lord's Prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread". In so many ways this prayer has been fulfilled in the life of the school, and not least in the provision of those who have the responsibility for governing through the Council. We have been remarkably blessed through those who have served over the history of BHCS, from the early days when oversight of the school's affairs was relatively simple, to recent years when accountability and compliance have become more and more complex matters.


How blessed, therefore, have we been to have had Dirk Jackson as a member of the Council for 26 years (the past 5 years as Chairman). Dirk has had an unwavering commitment to serving Jesus Christ as he has sought to govern wisely on behalf of the families for whom the school exists. Dirk, who recently announced his decision to retire from the Council, has sacrificed a great deal of his time and energy to ensure that the school's extraordinary development has proceeded on sound lines and with due consideration for all stakeholders. His patient negotiations with the local church regarding the purchase of the land, which will enable further development of the school's excellent facilities, are a testimony to his commitment to the school's welfare. 


Dirk has never been a parent at the school and, apart from the early years, has lived at a considerable distance from it. He has clearly had a firm conviction that Christian schools are a wonderful means of demonstrating God's love to the community. 


As a Council, we wish to acknowledge Dirk's great contribution and to thank him for it. For sticking with us through thick and thin, we say "Thank you Dirk, and God bless you as you follow his further calling on your life. We will miss your familiar presence around BHCS. You never missed an important event. Well done!"