From Funerals to Urinals

By Andy Callow (Principal) 

I have heard the role of a School Principal described as “The best job in the world, with some of the worst moments”.  That has certainly been my experience at BHCS.


I am profoundly grateful for the privilege of serving this community through the excitement and challenges generated by our rapid growth and development over the last 18 years. This roller-coaster journey has been even more turbulent and triumphant in recent times courtesy of all the COVID complications and complexities.


It has been at times exhilarating and exhausting, often unpredictable, but rarely boring.


One example springs to mind.  Some years ago, I travelled to one of our sister schools to offer support during one of their saddest days. I sat in the school chapel (alongside the TV news cameras) during the funeral of one of their students who had been killed in a shocking case of domestic violence. It was a stark, deeply moving service with a profound impact.  The time shared afterwards with grieving colleagues was highly significant, and I counted it a rare privilege to be there representing BHCS. 


The drive back to Belgrave was a time for reflection, an appreciation of the preciousness of life and a renewed determination to make a positive difference in the life of our students. My resolution was tested directly on my arrival back at BHCS when I was greeted with the news that there was a problem with the school urinals that needed immediate attention! 


Overall, I have loved my job. 


I am so grateful for all the moments of laughter; inspiration; creativity and sheer good fun. The smiles and warm encouragement from literally thousands of students have been a constant backdrop to the temporary trials and tribulations that are part of the deal.  The encouragement and generosity of so many parents has overwhelmed the sporadic jarring note of criticism and complaint.  Of great significance has been the invaluable love and support of the wonderful BHCS leadership group and the wider staff team. 


I know all too well that I could never have survived the various pressures that “come with the territory” without two vital sources of perspective and power.


A daily reality for me has been the love, tolerance and practical support constantly provided by my wonderful family who have shared my passion and love for BHCS and contributed so richly their gifts and skills. 


The greatest gift remains the forgiveness and grace (undeserved favour!) and generosity of our All-loving God.  When I look back at my own unhappy teenage years, I am reminded of how poorly I performed as a student and as a human. The impact of being “surprised by joy” and the subsequent transformation of perspective that followed has profoundly affected the core of my being.  


The words of a well-loved hymn provide an eloquent summary of the last fifty years or so of my life, including my time at BHCS.  I am so grateful!


Pardon for sin and a peace that endures

Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow

Blessings all mine with 10,000 beside


Great is your faithfulness

Morning by morning new mercies I see

All I have needed your hand has provided

Great is your faithfulness

Lord, unto me