Numeracy Report
Dear Parents and Carers,
Mathletics is an online program that is used to enhance Mathematics Learning at Melton West Primary School. Mathletics can also be accessed at home. Students have a login that they can use both at school and at home.
Mathletics helps engages students with Maths learning blending motivations and rewards, and using best-practice theories of gamified learning, Mathletics keeps students engaged with maths. With fresh activities, challenges and regularly updated content, Mathletics always has something new to learn and fun to do.
Mathletics can provide valuable maths learning for students throughout their entire school journey, from the start of primary school to the end of secondary. As students mature, so does the program, providing updated visuals, challenges, and activities that will keep them captivated with maths.
Students can get creative and design their own avatar, giving them the chance to connect personally with the world of Mathletics. By completing activities, students can update their avatars with different designs and styles – that way everyone can see how far they’ve come! Activities are aimed to support Maths learning through engaging, challenging content that will develop student understanding and skills, taking them on to the next stage of their development.
If you are looking to help your child with their maths why not log into Mathletics.