Principal's Patch

Sandra Thompson

Dear Parents and Carers


What a world we currently live in! Sadly, yet another challenging week has presented itself both locally and internationally. 


                  Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. 

                  Our thoughts are those who have suffered across Queensland and NSW in the 


                  Our thoughts are with anyone in our school community who has also been affected.  

Over the past few years our resilience has been repeatedly tested, and our school value to Be Kind has never been so significant. If the school can assist anyone at this time, or wishes their child to speak with our school chaplain or guidance officer, please don’t hesitate to contact our school office so that we can arrange support. 


March 4 Restrictions Easing

I have yet to receive the exact specifics of what the easing of restriction within schools will look like, but anything that moves us forward to normality is most welcome. I will communicate this information to you as soon as possible. Since returning to school we have had it confirmed that approximately twenty students and three staff members have tested positive to Covid. In the coming weeks we will continue the teacher notification dojo if a child tests positive in the year level so that the year level parents can closely monitor their child for symptoms. As all students mix freely and often across the year levels, extracurricular activities and the playground, it would be appreciated if parents do not contact class teachers for further information, as all students will be availed full privacy. Please contact the school office if you have any concerns.


We are a Kind Culture – 18 March 

To continue our Be Kind value, this year for Bullying No Way Day we are going to take a positive slant and celebrate being a Kind Culture. The students can support this day by wearing an orange accessory such as socks, a ribbon, a wrist band etc with our normal school uniform. The Student Council and Chappy are organising other activities for the day, including Random Acts of Kindness. Parents, please join with us and participate in doing a random act of kindness on that day.


Thank You to the Outgoing P&C Executives 

A volunteer is defined by a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and with no financial payment. Our PBSS P&C members work tirelessly for countless hours to raise money through organising a huge variety of events, experiences and tangible resources and facility improvements that support the students of Palm Beach SS i.e. your child. The list of what this outgoing P&C executive have achieved is too many to mention, but significantly they include air conditioning in many classrooms, fans in the PAC, establishment of the Uniform Shop, tens of thousands of dollars for reading books, and major contributions to the junior playground to name a few. They have one amazing plan to complete before finishing and I will leave that for later to announce.  


On behalf on the PBSS community, I would like to thank the outgoing executives Simone Tait (President) and Lara Gamble (Secretary). Lara has spent hours coordinating the paperwork involved in the operational demands for the association and given generously of her time at numerous events. At all times she has displayed a calm, supportive and optimistic demeanour. Our current P&C President, Simone Tait, has led the P&C with amazing organisational skills, grace, humour and full support for all the school decisions that must be made with a strategic, big picture perspective. She has displayed a balanced view of what the realities are within the school, and challenged and provided input from a parent perspective, while always doing this with a smile. Simone’s attention to detail and forethought is truly inspiring. From the bottom of our hearts, a huge thank you to both ladies!


If you are interested in taking on an executive P&C position please read the P&C page of the newsletter for further information.


Brooke Ave Gate - No Access

Due to the saturated ground the Brooke Ave gate will be closed until further notice. Please access and exit the school via an alternative gate.