From the Classroom


Grade One

Welcome back to the classroom for 2022. We have had a brilliant start to the year so far with a highlight being our new train set within the classroom. Students have enjoyed being in each other’s company again and getting back into learning. We have spent the past couple of days practicing our reading routine as well as small group learning. All students were very excited for our Maths groups. We have been focusing on skip counting by 10s starting at any number both forwards as well as backwards. The grade loved working in a small focus group to attain this skill. With everyone demonstrating this again in our reflection on the board to the whole class. 

We do have our Reading Diaries is coming which will be used to track home reading. Please excuse the delay. 

We hope you enjoy some photos of our efforts this week.

Grade Four

It has been wonderful to hear about all the adventures children have had over the holidays. 

This week students have been settling back into the routines of the classroom.  We have created a daily time table for each child to bring home. 

In Writing, we have worked together in small groups to create positive statements of what Respectful, Inclusive and Trustworthy look like in different areas of the school such as the GaGa Pit, Frog Bog, Learning Areas, etc.

In Numeracy, we are beginning the term by studying Place Value and Numeration. We will have a strong focus on skip counting which will be worked on every day to develop fluency in different number patterns. 

This year students will continue to use EPIC, Google Classroom, Essential Assessment and Mathletics. Only some students in the class will continue with Reading Eggs. 

Our EPIC code is gbz5452

Students will bring home a copy of their user names and passwords early next week.