Learning & Innovation

“Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardour and attended with diligence.”  Abigail Adams

Welcome to the 2022 academic year! It is wonderful to be back on College grounds with students engaged in face to face learning after our periods of remote learning in 2021. 


As students settle into the school year, students are encouraged to develop good work habits early and put in place the support structures to succeed in their learning this year.  These will include an organised study space and study timetable, and getting into the habit of asking questions when anything is not clear.


During the Year 7 Bootcamp in Week 1, Ms Agazzi and I spoke with the girls about setting up for success in a high school learning environment. The tips provided are applicable to all and students are encouraged to keep these in mind as they strive to achieve their personal best in 2022. 

  1. Ask for help: Ask for help whenever you are unsure about anything. Teachers are there to help you!
  2. Positive attitude: Always look for ways to enjoy things about school and be positive in your attitude. It makes a big difference.
  3. Use Class Time: Really make the most of every lesson, staying focused and on-task and completing all the work your teacher gives you.Really listen and think in every lesson.
  4. Homework diary: Always write in your homework and check it every afternoon when you get home. Stay up-to-date in your homework and complete all work.
  5. Start early: Start assignment and test preparation early. You may be given other work later on so it is a good idea to start your assignments straight away and even try and have them finished a bit before the due date.
  6. Always do your best: Don't worry about comparing yourself to other people, just always aim to do your best in everything you do for school and you will feel happy and your teachers and parents will be pleased with your effort.



To assist our students with the demands of high school, the College has again partnered with Elevate Education in 2022. Elevate Education delivers high impact seminars and workshops to help students develop their study techniques, increase motivation, build confidence and improve performance. Each workshop is tailored to the group of students and the stage of their learning journey. 


An overview of each of the workshops to be delivered in Term 1 are outlined below: 




Year 7

Study Skills Kick Start 

This workshop will introduce students to fundamental skills that will assist learning as they progress through high school. 

Year 8


Junior Time Management 

This workshop teaches students to work consistently and complete larger tasks, demonstrating how to break bigger tasks down into manageable amounts of work, and teaches students how to prioritise. 

Year 9

Year 10 


Study Sensei 

This workshop will break down study techniques of the top performers, provide students with a road map for what work they need to be doing across the year and how to do it. 

Year 11 

Year 12

Time Management

This seminar addresses the second most common question: “Once I know what to do, how do I find the time to do it?” 

Further information regarding the workshops will be provided in the coming days. 

In addition to the workshops provided for our students, we are excited to announce that our parents have exclusive access to Elevate Education’s Parent Webinar Series this year. Elevate works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, parents will learn how to better support their children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.  

Wednesday 23rd February @ 6:00pm:

How to Get (and Keep) Your Child Motivated

Register for free here

In How to Get (and Keep) Your Child Motivated, Elevate will provide you with the tips and tools for how to get (and keep!) your child motivated. Including:

  • The causes of student demotivation;
  • Specific goals that actually cause demotivation;
  • How you can help your child set goals that will help them get (and stay) motivated;
  • The role parents play in motivation.

The webinar is run live online from 6pm – 7pm where the presenter will share Elevate’s key research and skills, and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly.


Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly on 1300 667 945 or auaucoaching@elevateeducation.com


Natasha Fox 

Director of Learning and Innovation