Faith, Mission and Identity

Go in peace and go in love, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, 

to be Christ’s feet and hands and face and hearts in the world.

Welcome to 2022!


In our opening Religious Education lessons, we asked the girls to define ‘Religion’. Overwhelming their first response was community. Etymologically, “religio” means that which binds together. We find ourselves in the midst of a world where physically being together as a community is not always possible. The beauty of religion is the community that transcends the physical place. As we venture into the unknown of this academic year, we look to forge relationships and further strengthen the beautiful community we have here at Brigidine, albeit at times, virtually. 


As we celebrate 120 + 1 years of Brigidine College, we reflect on what is so beautiful about the Brigidine charism; the model that our girls have in our patroness, St Brigid. She was a woman of deep faith, compassion, forgiveness and service. A woman who modelled immense strength but approached each day and each person with gentleness. This year we continue to challenge our girls to be the face of Christ to all with whom she meets, using the enduring example of St Brigid to guide her way. 



Welcome to our new Youth Ministry Coordinator!


I am excited to welcome our new Youth Ministry Coordinator, Mrs Monica Atlamaz, who joins us permanently at the College. Her passion for Christ and the Brigidine Charism is invigorating. I look forward to working with Mrs Atlamaz as we continue to build our Social Justice group, St Brigid’s Fire



Year 7 & The Religious Life of the College


As part of their orientation Bootcamp, Year 7 engaged in a range of activities, learning about the history and traditions of the College. They also took this opportunity to write to our Brigidine Sisters, expressing their joy at joining our community and introducing a little about themselves.


I learnt that the Brigidine sisters were brought together by Bishop Daniel Delany and are called the Brigidine Sisters because they do what Saint Brigid did to help people. I also learnt about the Charism of Saint Brigid and learnt what each of the pillars represents. 
The pillars are courage, compassion, hope, hospitality, justice and service. 
It was very exciting to write to the Brigidine sisters. What else made it exciting was that they will write back to you. 
I also learnt that Bishop Daniel Delany is our founder and Saint Brigid is the patroness.

Camilla, 7 Delany



Feast of St Brigid, Opening School Mass - Postponed


As mentioned earlier, community is at the heart of religion. As a result of the Covid-19 restrictions, our community was unable to gather to celebrate our opening school mass in celebration of the Feast of St Brigid. This mass has been postponed until it is safe for our school to gather. 


I leave you with a Celtic blessing recited each year on the Feast of St Brigid: 


Rise with the road on your journey. 
May Brigid bless you with her ever-faithful love. 
May Brigid hold you, enfold you, console you, with her ever-faithful love.
Each day is a time of rebirth, and as the earth grows full of life, may you find abundance on your own path.
Go in peace and go in love, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, to be Christ’s feet and hands and face and hearts in the world.



Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education and Mission