New Grant

VAPS has recently been awarded a significant grant from the Department of Education & Training (DET) via the Strategic Partnership Program.
The grant will enable VAPS to extend our PIPS (Philosophy in Public Places) school excursion events.
VAPS will now be hosting more PIPS events over the next few years. At present, we have planned our normal suite of events which can be seen in the Events Calendar. We will be adding additional events to our calendar through the year.
Additionally, VAPS now has the capacity to subsidise schools' participation based on DET equity categories. Schools who may wish to access subsidised funding to attend a PIPS event in the future can contact the committee and put their name down immediately. We will then be able to contact you ahead of PIPS events. Alternatively, schools who are attending PIPS events can request a subsidy based on one or more of the equity categories. These categories include:
- Koori students
- Students from disadvantaged or low SES backgrounds
- Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students
- Students in out of home care
- Students with disability
- Rural and regional students
- Students identified as vulnerable or at risk of disengagement
Additionally, the funding allows VAPS to not only host more PIPS events, but put extra work into each event. VAPS will be working on systematic programming for events behind the scenes, collaborating with more people and creating an even higher quality of event for schools. We will also seek to establish new events outside of Melbourne to support regional and rural schools to more easily participate.
- 40 events over two years (including the 6 already established events per year)
- 1600 students over two years (average of 40 students x 40 events)
- Resource development around events (resources for the day and post-event resources for teachers to take back to school)
Opportunities (paid roles):
- A bank of available level 1 trained facilitators for events
- Resource developers
- Event organisers
- A marketing and recruitment officer to promote events and initiate contact with schools (especially schools with funded equity characteristics)
- Regional officers to work closely with regional schools
Opportunities (schools)
- Free or subsidised event attendance for schools/students meeting funded equity characteristics
- Travel subsidies for regional schools
- Additional events and learning materials to engage with VAPS