AGM - Upcoming

The Committee of the Victorian Association for Philosophy in Schools cordially invites all current VAPS members to attend our Annual General Meeting for 2022. This meeting will take place on Thursday 26th May 2022 at 6pm at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, 234 Queensberry Street, Parkville VIC 3053.
VAPS is a charitable organisation sustained by volunteers. The organisation is responsible to its members and each member has a say in our strategic direction. The AGM is your opportunity as a VAPS member to hear our yearly review, be involved in decision making going forward, and participate in the election of the next Executive Committee.
This is also a fantastic opportunity to begin your journey into making contributions to VAPS through volunteering to assist in any of our activities – whether that be with a focus on VCE, Philosophy in Public Spaces (PIPS) excursions, Teacher Professional Learning, Research, or possibly a new initiative! Volunteers are always needed, with fresh faces and fresh ideas to keep VAPS moving forward and advocating for philosophical inquiry in all Victorian schools.
The Committee will decide on appointments for the following roles, for which new volunteers are always welcome:
- Chair of the Association
- Deputy Chair of the Association
- Secretary of the Association
- Treasurer of the Association
- Committee Member (1)
The following paid positions are also available:
- Education & Training Officer
- Philosophy in Publish Spaces Events Officer (multiple opportunities)
- VCE & Tertiary Liaison Officer
- Marketing and Recruitment Manager
Role descriptions for each of the fourpaid positions are available in the 'Job Opportunities' page of this newsletter.
VAPS would also like to direct you to our yearly calendar for you to consider upcoming events, training, and programs that you may be interested in attending.
The meeting details for the AGM are as follows:
What: VAPS 2022 AGM
Where: Level 7, 100 Leicester St [Rms: 713-714]
When: 26-May 6pm
Instructions: Wait in the foyer on Level 7 or call Harry on: 0408 116 309
2022 VAPS AGM Zoom meeting
Join on your computer or mobile appClick here to join the meeting or prompted for a password, please enter: 405658Need to dial-in instead? Enter the meeting ID: 857 7240 3761 via +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011Or join from a H.323/SIP room system: Dial: | or SIP: | or with meeting ID: 85772403761 and password: 405658
7:30pm - VAPS Committee & Subcommittee Dinner (old and new members welcome)