Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week
F Jadon - For being helpful to his friends in the playground.
1/2 N Ben - For showing patience in helping other students in class.
2/3 D Maison - For a fantastic start to our school! Keep up the great work!
4/5 D Sarah M - For your fantastic start to Term 4!
5/6 CS Alex - For his assistance during Summer Sports.
Maths Awards
F Isabella - For helping her classmates order towers from tallest to smallest.
1/2 N Kody - For his careful effort in working out mathematical problems.
2/3 D Jovi - For your great concentration during our focus group about halves and quarters of a
4/5 D Sienna C - For trying your best during maths.
5/6 CS Xavier - For his contributions to our classroom brainstorm on Fractions. Alex - For his assistance during Summer Sports.
Writing Awards
F Finley - For making his writing more exciting by using new vocabulary.
1/2 N Max M- For neat and clear to read handwriting.
2/3 D Lucy -For always taking your time with your writing and for looking for ways to further improve!
Great work!
4/5 D Sarah C - For creating interesting writing pieces!
5/6 CS Yael - For her excellent grasp of commas and all their uses.
Japanese Award
5/6 CS Macee - For being a responsible learner of the Japanese language. She is always supportive of the program, to her teacher and peers. Excellent effort!