Cross Country

Wantirna Cross Country
On Wednesday 10th May during Period 3 and 4, all Year 7-10 students will be participating in the College Cross Country. Year 11 and 12 students are encouraged to take part, but their participation is on a voluntary basis.
The event will be held at Wantirna College with students running on a safe and supervised route around the College, and local area. No consent or payment is required for this all school event. As in previous years, the College Cross Country will coincide with an out of uniform day run by the SRC, with all funds raised going to State Schools Relief. Students are required to bring a gold coin donation to Home Group.
Students are required to wear appropriate running attire (e.g. PE uniform), including suitable footwear.
Students will attend the start of their Period 3 class for attendance purposes. From there students will be guided to the top oval and assemble in the appropriate areas relevant to their year level.
Times for the races are as follows:
The top runners from each age group will progress to the Knox Division Cross Country on Monday 22nd May.
We wish all runners the best of luck!
David Black
Leader of Physical Education, Health and Sport