Middle Years

This term the Middle Years team is continuing to work on encouraging students to develop positive relationships at school. Research tells us that this helps students to feel more confident, connected to the school community and assists in reducing the incidence of bullying.
This year the Middle Years team has implemented two home group competitions for all Middle Years students. The intention is to have students across all three year levels, Year 7, 8 and 9, interacting positively with one another and it is also providing the older students with an opportunity to act as positive role models for younger students.
The first of these competitions is Family Feud which is taking place this term. Students from Year 7, 8 and 9 are all working in their home groups with the assistance of their Home Group teachers to identify the most common response to a range of trivia questions. Lachlan Cowman, of Year 12, kindly volunteered to host the competition and has done an amazing job along with Mr Brooks, the mastermind behind the competition.
The Family Feud competition will be concluding shortly. We have the one last round occurring on Monday May 8th involving 7I, 7S, 8I, 8S, 9S and the Principal Team. The Grand Final will be on Thursday May 11th in the Theatre during lunchtime. The competition has been a great success so far and I would like to thank all staff and students involved. I encourage all students to come down and support their Home Group, friends and/or year level.
Darren Hoogkamer
Leader of Middle Years