Careers News

Reminders and upcoming events:
- UMAT applications close 2 June; test 26 July. Information Booklet:
- ‘INSIDE MONASH’ seminars – Coming in May: 2nd Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, 4th Nursing and Midwifery, 9th Education, 11th Psychology, 16th Medicine and Biomedical Science, 16th Education, 17th Law, 18th Health Sciences, 18th IT, 23rd Biomedical Sciences, Radiography and Nutrition, 25th Engineering; Register:
- EARLY ACHIEVERS PROGRAM (ACU) – Applications now open until 17 July. See:
- ‘FOCUS ON MELBOURNE’ in May: 16th Biomedicine; 17th Agriculture; 18th Veterinary Science; 23rd Engineering; 24th IT; 30th Science;
- VCE AND CAREERS EXPO 2017: Thurs 4 – Sun 7 May; at Caulfield Racecourse; Admission: $10 or $25 for families. Info:
VICTORIAN COLLEGE OF THE ARTS (VCA) NEW DEGREES – The VCA is pleased to announce that in 2018 it will be offering two new degrees for aspiring actors and theatre-makers.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts(Acting) and the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre), both dynamic, forward-thinking conservatoire-style programs, will nurture a new generation of culturally aware and internationally focused actors and performance makers, preparing them for 21st century careers in the Asia Pacific region across a wide range of stage and screen contexts. NOTE: The VCA is a part of the University of Melbourne, located in Southbank.
RMIT offers both higher education and VET certificates and diplomas. Its main campus is in the City, and it also has campuses in Brunswick and Bundoora.
- BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE (LABORATORY MEDICINE) – The vital role that medical laboratory scientists play in the healthcare system to combat superbugs was highlighted at a recent TedX Texas State university conference. The reality of superbugs in healthcare systems and the role of medical laboratory professionals play in combating these superbugs were discussed. RMIT’s Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Laboratory Medicine) still remains as the only degree in Victoria that is professionally accredited by the Australian Institute of Medical Scientists (AIMS).
- EXPLORE ASIA THROUGH RMIT VIETNAM – You can cross-campus at RMIT Vietnam for up to a year without increasing your tuition or extending your program. Some advantages are: It’s easy to match your academic programs for credit; the affordable cost of living; the amazing food and culture; the opportunity to travel to some of the best destinations in Asia. RMIT Vietnam is the Asian hub of RMIT University, with two well-equipped campuses in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Programs on offer are: business, creative design and technology. You need to have completed at least one semester of academic study at RMIT prior to applying for Cross-campus Study at RMIT Vietnam. See:
NOTE: A number of other Victorian universities also have overseas campuses where part of a degree can be studied. In addition, all universities have ‘partner’ overseas universities where part of a Victorian degree can be completed (eg a semester). Universities encourage this option, and will assist with organising placements. They will sometimes assist with travel costs as well. An advantage of this program is that the fees for completing the overseas placement remain the same as they would be if the student was studying in Victoria.
VICTORIAN INDIGENOUS ENGINEERING WINTER SCHOOL (VIEWS) – This is a program for Year 11 - 12 indigenous students that will expand perspectives on engineering. You need to be currently studying maths and science school subjects. The program includes meeting Indigenous engineering professionals, site visits, exploring university campuses and learning about engineering study options, and hands-on workshops that will expand your mind and develop problem solving and design skills. The program is a cooperative venture by, Melbourne, Monash, RMIT and Swinburne universities. When: 1 – 7 July (School holidays); Information: Apply:; Applications close: Fri 2 June at 5pm.
INTERESTED IN STUDYING HEALTH AT DEAKIN UNIVERSITY? Health is the fastest growing employment industry. Deakin is offering information sessions where you can explore your options.
- Exercise and Sport Science at Burwood – 6-7.30pm, 17 May and 2-3.30pm, 20 May; at Geelong (Waurn Ponds) 6-7.30pm, 24 May and 2-3.30pm, 27 May
- Food and Nutrition Sciences at Burwood – 6-7.30pm, 17 May and 2-3.30pm, 20 May
- Health Sciences at Burwood – 6-7.30pm, 18 May; at Geelong (Waterfront) 6-7.30pm, 25 May
- Nursing and Midwifery at Burwood – 6-8pm, 26 July and 2.30-4.30pm, 29 July; Geelong (Waterfront) 6-8pm, 26 July and 2.30-4.30pm, 29 July; Warrnambool – 6-7.30pm, 11 August.
Register online at; Health course Information: 1800 693 888.
THE SWINBURNE ADVANTAGE – Staff at Swinburne believe that an undergraduate education must be about more than knowledge. In today’s competitive job market, it must be about true job readiness. For over 50 years, Swinburne has been partnering with leading Australian and global organisations to offer students workplace experiences. The Swinburne Advantage is available to all new undergraduates; you just need to choose the Work Integrated Learning that suits you from:
- Professional degrees – offer high-achieving students the opportunity to enrol in a degree that incorporates a guaranteed, paid, full-time work placement
- Professional Placements and Internships – through Swinburne’s partnerships with leading companies, you are offered the opportunity to work in a professional placement directly related to your area of study. You are paid and receive academic credit to your degree
- Industry-linked projects – problem-solving is a strength that can bolster your prospective career. You need to graduate with the confidence and skills to tackle any project or challenge. Industry-linked projects are usually undertaken as a unit of study during the final year of your course
- Accreditation Placements – some degrees include a mandatory work placement for accreditation. Swinburne has long-standing relationships with top organisations that welcome Swinburne students (eg in law, engineering and education)
- Industry Study Tours - are designed to give you experience that will benefit your careers, and give credit towards your degree.
More info:
ENTRY TO TEACHING COURSES FOR 2018 – The number of Victorian university graduates applying to become teachers has fallen nearly 40% in a year. This drop has triggered concerns about potential teacher shortages into the future. Requirements for getting into a teaching course will rise this year, with ATAR’s set at a minimum of 65 for 2018 and 70 in 2019. From this year, Victorian universities will only be allowed to offer two-year graduate entry initial teacher education programs, instead of one-year courses which were known as the Diploma of Education. This may have deterred some students from pursuing a teaching career, although the difficulty in finding full-time work could be a contributor as well.
The new compulsory literacy and numeracy test and a separate test which will now be used by many Victorian universities for entry to education courses to measure non-academic skills like problem solving, leadership, empathy and resilience (known at CASPer) may also put off students.
CASPer (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) is an admissions test developed in Canada which assesses non-cognitive or non-academic attributes in an online format in the pre-screening stage of the application process. The cost to complete this test will be $80.00.
NOTE: More details of this test will be provided as they become available.
REMINDER – EARLY ACHIEVERS PROGRAM (EAP) AT ACU – Have you been a regular volunteer, gaining leadership experience? The volunteering might be at school, a community organisation, or a cultural or religious group. If so, you could be eligible for the Early Achievers’ Program entry into an undergraduate degree. If successful, you’ll receive an offer as early as August. For most degrees the minimum ATAR for an EAP place is 58.50. Law and physiotherapy require a minimum of 70 while Occupational Therapy, paramedicine and speech pathology require 65. Applications are now open, and close on 17 July. See:
Compiled by: m.walker
Phil Newnham
Careers Co