Library News

News from the Library
Where has the time flown? The new students we welcomed at the start of the year already seem old hands at using the Library – borrowing books, ebooks, magazines etc. (although a few still forget their student cards!).
If you want to see what Wantirna College learning resources are available to borrow and may not be familiar with how to reach the Library Home Page and Catalogue from Compass, here is a brief rundown:
1. From the Compass home page find the star symbol in the top bar.
2. At the bottom of the drop down list that appears select Wantirna College Library
3. You will now be on the Library's Home Page. Select the picture of the cat (for catalogue) or check out our ebooks or databases.
Last term students visiting the Library looked at ways of doing random acts of kindness such as:
- Smile at as many people as you can.
- Offer your help to someone.
- Give someone a compliment.
- Say hello to 3 people you’ve never spoken to before.
- Choose a toy to donate to charity.
- Bake a treat for a friend.
- Write a thank you note.
- Hangout with someone new.
- Ring a Grandparent.
- Leave a friendly note in a library book.
Often books too old or no longer suitable for the Wantirna College Library get passed on to students and staff through book sales/swaps or “free to good home” events. Recently though, through the work of our Library Technician Di Seehusen, we were able to contribute to over 200 kilograms of books being collected for use at the Honiara Public Library.
Solomon Island statistics indicate 40% of the population are non-literate and 20% of primary school aged children are not enrolled.
The Honiara Library reopened in 2016 and their Librarian is attempting to develop literacy for everyone and desperately needs book stock, particularly for children and young adults.
Our College’s shipment has not arrived at Honiara yet, but Di has started the ball rolling by carrying, on a recent visit the Solomon Islands, the World Book [2008] encyclopedias donated by Wantirna College and a small collection of novels and non-fiction books in her luggage! – the librarian was overcome with gratitude.
While visiting the Honiara Library Di began reading a copy of Mem Fox’s Possum Magic book to a student and soon many other students gathered to listen. This photo appears on the United Nations Development Program site.
We hope our own students continue to enjoy the fine facilities and books on offer at Wantirna College’s Library.
Mrs Hall and the Library Team