Principal's Report

Welcome Back
Term 4 is always a busy time and this term will be no different. Our students are looking forward to learning all about Biological Science and getting ready for the Christmas Concert. We have interschool sport happening, as well as the long anticipated grade 2 sleepover.
Building works
Our outdoor sensory space is well underway. It is looking to be completed by the end of October. It will be a great space for our children to access and use. We also have a few other projects such as redoing the multipurpose room floor and painting the multipurpose room as well as landscaping happening. It has been great to get a budget boost to fund the improvements in our school to make it a great learning place for all.
Parent Opinion Survey
As I was reading through our parent opinion survey results the one that stuck out to me was that .
This school prepares my child for the future.
I was wondering what do you believe the school should be doing to prepare your child for the future? Suggestions can be made here. We would appreciate any constructive feedback.
Our homework policy is that all students have reading and spelling words that they are to practise at home. If parents would like their child to have more homework then we can facilitate this. However their are many families who find it challenging to manage extra-curricular activities and homework and do not always complete the little that is expected. If you would like your child to have more homework then please have a conversation with the classroom teacher.
Learning at Home
The Victorian Department of Education has released a number of new resources to support parents with their childs learning at home.
These can be found on the information and play page on the parenting Victoria website. Resources such as interactive games and stories are avaiulable for you to play with your child and help them to develop and build their skills.
Have a great week everyone.