Around the School (1 of 1) 


By Lance Davidson (Deputy Principal) 


On Thursday 11th August we celebrated BOOM Day with the theme 'Go Team'. Students put on their favourite team jerseys and supporter gear as we celebrated being active and sharing our love for the teams we support. There were students supporting AFL, Basketball, Netball, Soccer, Cricket, Gymnastics, Swimming, and so much more.


At lunchtime the Year 12s took on the teachers in a 'friendly' game of netball. It was played in a good spirit, it was hard fought and the best team won. (That was the teachers in case you weren't sure.)


The Junior School then had their own BHCS Games, following on from the Commonwealth games. They made banners, signs and had streamers to celebrate being active. The Preps played a version of Ship, Shark, Shore, where the sick turtle was the favourite pose. 


The Year 1s and 2s played Octopus, trying to weave the way past their teachers. The Year 3s and 4s then took to the courts for a fun game of dodgeball.


Overall, it was another successful BOOM day. 


Thanks to the staff and students who made it an enjoyable one for all. 


By Leah Nicholls (Drama Teacher) 


Last Friday, 9 students represented BHCS at the interschool CSEN Play in a Day competition. The day is full of fun, teamwork and creativity as students work together to create a play, in just one day! The Junior team, made up of Year 7 and 8 students were new to the competition and made a great impression - their scripting was fantastic and inspired many other groups. The Senior team made up of Year 10 and 12 students demonstrated their artistic ability and creativity throughout the day - they worked fantastically together and placed first overall!

A great day was had by all.


By Jane Bartholomeusz (Kinder Educator) 


On Tuesday the 16th of August we had an incursion called ‘Rhythm Fun.’ The children were informed about basic musical concepts such as pitch, tempo and tone in a fun engaging way.  They were encouraged to participate and be actively involved in playing music.  They used their motor skills to create beats and rhythms; worked collaboratively with their peers, taking turns and using their listening skills; explored different rhythms and gained experience playing a variety of percussion instruments. We had lots of fun dancing to the different cultural music styles! The highlight was learning about the different parts of the drum kit and the way it can be used to create a variety of sounds. Everyone had the opportunity to play the drums and I think we now have some keen drummers and dancers in the making!