Winter Sport

Well done to all the Year 5/6 children who participated in the Winter Sports Program last Friday against Colac Primary School. Our football team especially had a lot of fun playing in the mud!


On Thursday 8th September our Year 5/6 children will compete against South West Primary School in the Winter Sports Program. This will take place at Sacred Heart. Children will participate in the following sports - Football, Netball, Down Ball, Kickball and Spike ball. This will take place between recess and lunch time. Children will need to wear their sports uniform and bring the appropriate gear for their chosen sport e.g. football boots, shorts etc (football jumpers will be supplied). Children will need to wear their sports uniform and bring the appropriate gear for their chosen sport e.g. football boots, shorts etc (football jumpers will be supplied). Football will only go ahead if the condition of the oval improves. 


Football Jumpers/Netball Dresses

All footballers and netballers are reminded to return their football jumpers and dresses a.s.a.p. 


Basketball Trials

At school, during recess and lunchtimes, our Year 6 children are currently trialling for the Sacred Heart basketball team that will compete in the Colac Division Basketball event on Wednesday 14th September. 


Regional Athletics

Congratulations to the following children who have made it through to the Regional Athletics in Ballarat on Friday 7th October. More information will be sent out on PAM. 

Bodhi Baker, Liam Testa, Beau Perkins, Nash Charles, Hudson Oborne, Max Mitchell, Ewan Gleeson, Sophie Wheadon, Ruby Hay, Alexis Perkins, Jemma Howat, Tahlia Kelly, Reuben Duncan, Fred Melville, Manny Robb, Buddy Gange, Alexander McNamara, Harper Van Doorn, Jyda Randle, River Rothery, Stella Foley, Lily Geary, Astin McCrimmon, Zarah Meade, Amelia Veale, Jarryn Baker, Matthew Hislop, Reece Charles, Rory Smart, Olivia Tomkins, Summer Kelly, Tahlia O’Shea, Ashlin Tate, Pippa Barren and Gabbi Wheadon 



Drink Bottles

All children are reminded that they need to bring a drink bottle to sport.


Future Dates

Thursday 8th September - Winter Sport against Colac South West Primary School

Monday 12th September - Colac Division Hot Shots Tennis Tournament (this has been postponed until Term 4 due to weather)

Wednesday 14th September - Colac Division Basketball


Thanks Nicole Lynch