This coming weekend students from Sacred Heart and St Mary’s will receive the Sacrament of Eucharist and Confirmation. We welcome candidates, families and the school community to these Celebration Masses held at St Mary’s Church on Saturday 4th September at 6pm Mass and Sunday 5th September at 11am Mass. 

Fr Michael invited the sacramental candidates from Sacred Heart and St Mary’s to recite their School Prayer from the altar during the concluding part of Mass.

With great pride, the children began;

The children receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist this weekend will attend Friday’s 10:00am Mass at St Mary’s. Following Mass, Fr Michael and Sacred Heart staff will prepare the children for their Celebration Mass.

Please contact Fr Michael or Mandy at the Parish Office 52312177 if your family cannot attend  a Celebration Mass over the weekend and would like to attend the 5:00pm Tuesday Mass at St Mary’s

Please keep our Sacramental Candidates in your thoughts and prayers particularly over this weekend.


Happy Father’s Day to all our amazing Dads, we hope you get spoilt silly.


Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader  / Religious Education Leader