Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

This coming Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. It’s a chance to spoil our Dad and for Dads to contemplate the awesome privilege of Fatherhood and the responsibility that comes with it. I hope all of our Dads enjoy their day and their kids. We are very grateful to Erica Gleeson and her team who have prepared a fantastic Father’s Day Stall so the children can choose from a large selection of gifts for the princely sum of $4.

Children should bring their $4 this week, the Stall will be run on Thursday and Friday.


BOOK WEEK This morning we enjoyed our first Book Week Parade since 2019. Our staff did a wonderful job at short notice to rearrange things so that we could parade in the Gym with the big windows open when the weather made it impossible to stage in the courtyard. 

A very big thank you to parents firstly for assisting with the children’s amazing costumes, but also for coming along to enjoy the parade and support the children.

As I write this letter the children are all engaged in some creative activities associated with literature, older grades in with younger ones and all working together.

Days like today are the ones that our students will remember even into adulthood and so I also thank our wonderful staff for entering into the spirit of the day by dressing up and playing along too.

It is worth pausing to remember though that the dress up, the parade, the staff “act” and the activities are all done to promote READING. 

It’s a great week to focus on this life changing skill. I would urge all parents to continue to support your child/ren’s reading by regularly listening to them, praising their efforts, encouraging enjoyment of reading, talking about the stories they are reading and reinforcing enjoyable practise, practise and more practise.


SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM We trust that all families involved in this weekend’s First Communion and Confirmation Masses enjoy a fantastic celebration at one of the weekend Masses. A reminder that children enrolled in the program should attend either the 6:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday evening, September 3rd or  either the 9:00am or 11:00am Mass on Sunday the 4th.

Children from the Sacramental program will be taking part in a “Bread Baking Day on Thursday of this week. Not only will the children be baking bread but they will also take part in Religious Education lessons and reflection as part of their preparation for the Sacraments.

On Friday the Sacramental candidates will be attending the 10:00am Mass at St Mary’s Church where the Sacramental Team, including Fr Michael will take them through the parts of the Mass and the role they will play in the weekend celebrations.