Year 3 Report

Term 3

End of Term 3 is fast approaching and the Grade 3 students have worked hard in all the areas of the curriculum.  The students participated in many fun activities. We had PJ day, Science Week and Book Week, the students had such an amazing day dressing up in their favourite characters and parading for everyone to see.  Also the students had an awesome camp participating in lots of fun activities at Stringybark Lodge.  And let's  not forget the Maths Amazing Race on the last day of term! 









This Term the Grade 3 students learnt about how to write a newspaper article. They explored the structure and features that make up an interesting article.  They investigated formal and informal language and how to use direct dialogue in their writing.  Throughout the term the students worked through revising and editing their work in order improve their writing. The Grade 3 students continued to work through comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to gain a better understanding of the text they are reading.







This Term the Grade 3 students looked at Multiplication and the connections between repeated addition, equal groups and arrays. Students looked at division and it's relationship with multiplication, working through worded problems to further develop skills and knowledge of fact families.  The students also worked through activities involving area and finishing off the term with data and statistics representing and interpreting data on paper and digitally using excel.






In Inquiry, students explored significant days and weeks celebrated in Australia and in other countries. They identified the significance of people with diverse backgrounds and the roles they play in developing local communities. Students examined the importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples who belong to a particular area.




  • Maths Amazing Race Day/Last Day of Term - 16th September 
  • Start of Term 4 -  3rd of October