Level 4
Grade 5 & 6
Al Straughan (Team Leader), Ryan Condron, Maddi Fletcher, Kerryn McConachy, Cyara Pittas, Gill Prentice, James Sadler, Lauren Strachan.
Level 4
Grade 5 & 6
Al Straughan (Team Leader), Ryan Condron, Maddi Fletcher, Kerryn McConachy, Cyara Pittas, Gill Prentice, James Sadler, Lauren Strachan.
It has been a very busy time in Level Four! The students have been involved in a number of exciting activities and are looking forward to many more over the next two weeks.
Book Week Costumes
On Monday 22nd August, the whole school participated in the Book Week Costume Parade. It was great to see so many 5 & 6’s dressing up in different book characters and supporting the other classes at assembly. The theme this year was ‘Dreaming with Eyes Open’ and the Level 4 Staff dressed up as the characters from the Wizard of OZ. Throughout the week, the students participated in some book week activities and explored different books and the themes associated with dreaming.
Incursion – Year 5 & 6’s
The Market Manouvers Incursion begins next Friday. Can parents please ensure that the payments are paid via Qkr ASAP.
Child Safety Dress Up Day
Child Safety Week begins on the 5th of September. As per the email sent out by the school, throughout the week the students will participate in various lessons surrounding child safety. On Tuesday (6th September), the students will have the chance to dress up in bright colours to create awareness around child safety.
Kids & Dad’s Game & Pizza Night
All Vermont Primary School students and their dads/father figures are invited to come together for an afternoon of games and pizza. The afternoon will run from 4pm to 6pm in the Learning Centre on Sunday 11th September. Please head to Qkr to register for this event.
Student Council Fundraiser – Endangered Animals Dress up Day
On Wednesday (7th September) students are encouraged to bring a gold coin donation to raise money for Endangered Animals, which was voted by students in the school. All the coins will be collected by the house captains and the house with the longest coin line wins! Students are to wear house colours on the day.
Summer Sports Day
On Monday (5th September) the Year 5 & 6’s have Summer Sports Day. All students are to meet their teachers in the stadium at 8:30am. Please ensure your child is arriving to school on time as we are travelling to other schools and will need to be ready for the buses.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are on the 12th and 13th September and bookings close on the 7th of September. You can book an interview via Sentral. Please ensure you email your child's teacher if you would like your interview to be a Zoom meeting, otherwise they will expect you to attend the meeting at school.
Footy Fever Day
On the 16th of September, we have Footy Fever Day. Students are to dress up in their footy team colours and hot dogs or veggie stick can be ordered for their lunch. Purchases for hot dogs or veggies sticks are to be made through QKR and these orders need to be in by the 9th of September.
Also a reminder that the 16th of September is the last day of Term 3 and the school day will finish at 2:30pm.
Market Manouvers – ASAP
Footy Day Payment due 9th September
5th September Level 4 Summer Sport Day
5th – 9th September Child Safety Week
6th September Child Safety Dress Up Day
7th September Lay It on the Line for Endangered Animals
8th September Market Manouvers Incursion (9:30am – 3:30pm)
9th September District Athletics Carnival
12th – 13th September Parent Teacher Interviews
15th September Market Manouvers Incursion (9:30am-3:30pm)
16th September Footy Fever Day
12th December Year 6 Graduation – Box Hill Town Hall (Evening Event)