Director: Meg Donnelly
Green Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Purple Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe
Blue Group: Christina Tsotsos, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Red and Yellow Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole
Director: Meg Donnelly
Green Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Purple Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe
Blue Group: Christina Tsotsos, Mel Goldsmith, Megan Lebret
Red and Yellow Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole
5th - 9th September - Child Safety Week
Tuesday 6th September - Bright Colours Dress up Day - Green and Purple
Thursday 8th September - Bright Colours Dress up Day - Blue and 3 YO's
Tuesday 13th September - Green and Purple Last Day of Term 3 / Green and Purple Footy Day
Wednesday 14th September - Student Free Day
Friday 16th September - Blue and 3YO's Last Day of Term 3/Blue & 3 YO's Footy Day
Term 4 Begins - Monday 3rd October
In week 9, Monday 5th - Friday 9th September child saftety week will be held. Throughout the week the children will be participating in some activities that aim to promote and educate the children about personal safety and awareness by empowering them to recognise, react and report.
They will then participate in a dress up day (see above for dates) wearing bright colours to represent being easily seen and staying safe.
We had such a great time celebrating Book Week last week. The children all enjoyed dressing up and talking about their favourite characters.
Green and Purple Group did a fabulous job joining in withe the whole school parade. They showed us just how ready they are for School, sitting patiently in the stadium watching all the other groups, high fiving the other children and clapping and cheering.
The 4 YO's also got to spend some time in the Prep classrooms reading a story and doing an activity together. They all did a fabulous job and enjoyed this special time.
All our kinder groups have had a photography session with the amazing Jani (aka Banana) this week. Jani was great at getting the children to relax and took some great candid photos. She also impressed with her juggling skills to help all the children look at the camera for the group photos.
We will let you know when the photos are ready for viewing and purchasing.
We have some new kinder pets to care for … stick insects!! These will provide great learning opportunities about the natural world, life cycles, habitats and caring for creatures in the weeks ahead. Children are quite taken with them,thought they were tickly to hold and think they are cute!!
Continuing with our partnership with The Resilience Project through our School Readiness Funding here is the latest issue of Early Years Project+ for your to view with lots of ideas and activities on how to emplore the concept of empathy with your whole family at home.