
National eSmart Week September 05-09 

eSmart Week - Proud to be me, digitally

Our Year 6 eSmart Leaders - Vyomi and Zac have put together some activities for students and their families. On Friday 9th September students can attend Colouring Club in the Library at lunchtime and do some eSmart colouring sheets. Also for those families who would like a challenge, there is a crossword puzzle to complete. The first THREE people to send it in completed, will win a small treat to enjoy. You can either hand or email it to Mrs Hall at 

HINTS: As it's an American puzzle here are a couple of clues 27 Across is "Verizon" and1 Down is "fourth". 


All students from F-2 will participate in an eSmart lesson during week nine, which also fits in nicely with our Child Safety week.


The Year 1 students will listen to a story called Digiduck's Famous Friend read by our eSmart Leader Vyomi. You can re-read the story with your child by clicking HERE. The story tells the tale of Digiduck and how he finds out that not everything you see, hear or read online is true. 


The Year 2 students  will listen to a story called Digiduck’s Big Decision read by our other eSmart Leader Zac. If you'd like to read the story again so you can discuss it with your child, click HERE.

The story tells the tale of Digiduck who is faced with a difficult decision. He is given the opportunity to see into the future to the consequences of posting something online.

With support, Digiduck is able to make the responsible decision!


The Year 3 students will participate in a lesson called The Power of Words. They learn that while they are enjoying their favourite websites and online games, they may have interactions from other people that can make them feel angry, hurt, sad or fearful.

Students explore ways to handle cyberbullying and how to respond in the face of upsetting language online.


The Year 4 students will participate in a lesson called Be a Super Digital Citizen

They learn that whilst online tools are exciting and powerful, they also come with big responsibilities.

Students explore appropriate ways to take action and resolve conflicts. Empowering them to be ‘upstanders’ and help others in need. 

Here are links to some Family Tip Sheets 




The Year 5’s will learn how photos can be altered digitally. 

They will consider the creative upsides of photo alterations as well as its power to distort our perceptions of beauty and  health. 

The Year 6's look how to keep online friendships safe. Whilst children and young people make friendships everywhere they go - including online, not all friendships are the same. The Year 6 students will learn how to start online friendships whilst protecting themselves and gain an understanding of both the benefits and risks of online-only friendships.