at Vermont Primary School
Photo: Dress Up Day 2022
at Vermont Primary School
Photo: Dress Up Day 2022
' Dreaming with your eyes Open'
WOW!!! What a terrific Book Week. We are so grateful to have participated in the whole week with some amazing activities for all. Throughout this newsletter in the Levels, you will find some photos of the children and their very creative costumes. On behalf of all the staff, we thank you for your efforts and supporting your child to be a part of this school event.
Our Special Visitors
As well as the Dress Up Day and Parade, we were very lucky to have some visitors in our great school.
On Thursday we had Morris Gleitzman who spoke to the Year 3 and 4s and then to the Year 5 and 6s. He was very gracious and signed hundreds of books that were sent in on the day. Mr Gleitzman was very inciteful and provided some terrific tips he uses as an author of many, many award winning novels. He also shared his skills of research that
he used to write the Once series that the Year 5 and 6 children have read. He was very impressed with all of the children, with their interesting and thoughtful questions to the manners they displayed.
On Friday the Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 children were involved in a workshop where they worked together to write their own story and illustrated it too. They produced a book with the help of author Bec Filliponi and illustrator Julie Gebbing. We are looking forward to seeing the published books!
In addition we had a special Competition that was created by the Year 6 Library Captains. These are being judged and will be announced to the school next week.
The next iNewsletter will also include the details of the highest fundraisers and highest books read for the MS Readathon, not to mention the results of the ICAS English, Spelling and Writing Competitions.
It was such a busy week with lots of fun had by all!!!
Thank you to our amazing Vermont Primary School Community!
Jacci Strachan
on Behalf of the English Professional Learning Team