From the Principals
Important updates from Mrs Mann, Mrs Cook & Mrs Strachan
From the Principals
Important updates from Mrs Mann, Mrs Cook & Mrs Strachan
Thank you to the VPS School Community for their efforts to celebrate the 2022 Book Week. The children looked amazing and the parade was a sea of colour and creativity!!
Thank you to all those involved. Throughout this newsletter you will see a range of dress ups. Don't forget to look at the English page!
Next week is Child Safety Week. You have previously been sent details of what this week entails. In addition to the content that will be discussed, we also have a dress up day on the Tuesday. The children are invited to wear bright colours to 'be easily seen and safe'.
We have a second dress up day on the Wednesday as the Student Council Representatives are having their new fundraiser. Refer to the Student Council Capers Page for more details.
The School Community showed how much they have missed attending the performances of our talented students. It was great to see our Stadium full again. What a wonderful night for the school community. We would like to thank our amazing Music Co-ordinator Mr Travis Fraser for his organisation and efforts with the students. Well done to all the students and teachers who participated.
Students have had the opportunity to be part of some soccer demonstration clinics over the last few weeks as part of the PE program. We are pleased to announce that Vermont Primary School and Kindergarten students will have the opportunity to be part of an extra curricular soccer program, running before school on Tuesday (8:00-8:50am) and after school on Wednesday (3:40-4:30pm). These sessions will be held on the synthetic turf oval in the school grounds, and managed by Futbal First School of Soccer and Futsal.
The cost is $200 per term for one lesson per week, and $250 for two lessons per week. All fees will be handled by Futbal First, not the school. Please see the attached information if your child is interested. You can hand completed enrolment forms to the office, and Futbal First will contact you regarding payment.
During the week you would have received a link to the Parent Survey. This provides you with the opportunity to provide feedback and have a say about the future direction of the school.