Mission News

Mr Luke McMahon


  • We pray for all those in our community who are unwell or suffering at this time.
  • For the repose of the soul of Mel Retchford (former staff member and Marist Affiliate) 
  • For the repose of the soul of Frank Finn (husband of former staff member) 
May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen

Wednesday Morning Mass Schedule for Term 3

Chaplain’s Corner 

Reflection for 25 August, Thursday of 21st week of Ordinary time. We do not know the day or the hour of His return, says the Lord. We should, therefore, be cautious about those who claim to know. Whenever the end of history will occur, if the Lord were to come for us today, how will it go for us? Are we prepared?


Suppose we knew that the Lord will come for us ten years from this date. What would we do with the next nine and a half years? Would we live our life in any way we wish and seek reconciliation and absolution just before the moment of our death? It is better that we do not know when the Lord will come in glory or when the Lord will come for each of us. Rather, we should always be ready and keep the lamps of our faith, hope and charity burning.


It is tempting to try to enter the Kingdom “under the wire.” The Lord, however, knows the gifts we were given, the graces we were offered, the good we could have done, the lives we could have reached. All of these will appear as a ghostly jury pointing to what we could have done. The Lord knows our limitations and our potential. It is not only the last seconds of our life but our entire life that will be the subject of the Lord’s final judgment.


None of us knows when the Lord will come for us. The best way of being prepared for the Lord to come at that unpredictable time is to be ready all the time by using the graces and gifts given us every day by steady, faithful following of Christ.


The Lord will come to each of us. The Lord’s coming need not be like a burglar or a sudden, frightening knock on the door in the middle of the night. Whenever the Lord comes, we can know Him as a familiar friend in a moment of peace-filled transition.

For the Christian, death, however it comes, need not be an intrusion but a conclusion of a life faithfully lived. It need not be simply an end but a homecoming.


Mary, our Good Mother, pray for us.St. Marcellin Champagnat, pray for us.St. Mary of the Cross, pray for us.And may we always remember to pray for one another.

Year 12 Game Changers 

A wonderful group of Marist Men have journeyed for the last two years through the Game Changers Hermitage Track (Group for Year 11 and 12). They have in the wise words of one of the young men;” Changed the Game”. 


The group which met regularly through 2021 and 2022 have generously given of time, energy and themselves to the process of faith formation, friendship and personal growth. They go into the world as Marist Men – with Jesus as Guide, Mary as Example and Champagnat as role model.


Year 12 MATES Awards