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Year 9 Central Studies 2017

This week Year 9 students will begin working on their first Integrated Inquiry-based Project for Central Studies (English, Humanities and Science). Over the course of the next few weeks, students will work in small groups to research, produce and   present documentary videos involving a Culture, an Event that has impacted on that culture, and, a Technology that has been developed to address such events in future. In Term 4, students will work more individually to develop a researched informative Essay about causes, effects and actions on a Global Issue of interest to them.

The Year 9 Central Studies Program has been operating since 2012. It aims to provide students with clear structures for guiding them to produce projects with a high production value. These are designed to encourage students to demonstrate a depth of thinking and to focus on developing their independent learning skills. The program also has ample scope for personalising the learning for individual students based on their interests and learning needs.

Further details can be found on the Year 9 Humanities Moodle page: /course/view.php?id=334 (You can log-in as a “Guest”)


Dino Cevolatti

Leading Teacher


The 19th visit of students and staff from Shizuoka took place from Wednesday 2 to Sunday 6 August.  Castlemaine Secondary College hosted 44 excited students and 3 enthusiastic staff members.  Over this time many life long and special relationships were formed and everyone experienced a very happy memorable time.  A big thank you to all who were involved. Arigatou gozaimasu

Lyn Ellery 

Japanese Co-ordinator

Winter Soups

VCE/ VETKitchen Operations students have been cooking-up soup! Soup of every kind, all made from homemade stock produced in the Etty Street Kitchen, and all for a good cause! The soup has been distributed to families in need through the Castlemaine branch of the St Vincent de Paul Society.