What is EPICC?

Engaging Parents in Career Conversations


At Staughton College we place a great focus on working with students and parents to develop clear pathways for students through their secondary schooling and beyond. Students who have goals and objectives to aim for, on the whole, perform better during their secondary schooling.


All students at Staughton are completing their Career Action Plans which help inform us of what your students would like to achieve in the future. We are also ensuring that all of our students have the opportunity for exposure to university and TAFE environments by offering a range of Year Level excursions to these venues.


On the evening of Tuesday, the 5th of June, we will be having our Student Pathways Expo at the school. This event is focused toward students and parents in Year 9 to 12 but students and parents in Year 7 and 8 are also welcome to attend.


The evening will consist of:

  • Stalls from a variety of University and TAFE providers explaining courses they offer and a chance to ask questions.
  • Presentations which will explain VCE and VCAL options including SAC’s SAT’s and ATAR.
  • Subject expo for Students in Years 9/10 to assist with their subject selections for 2019.

As a school, we are trying to provide a one stop shop for parents and students as we know your time is precious.  Further specific information about the EPICC night will follow in the newsletter, on the website, and in the student bulletin.


We are placing a great focus on working with the school community and bringing all the key stakeholders together to enable your children and yourself to make well informed career choices moving forward.


So please keep the evening of Tuesday, the 5th of June free so you can attend the Student Pathways Expo.