Physical distancing

Changes to support physical distancing
- Each classroom has tape markings on the floor identifying an area at the front reserved just for the teacher.
- Desks will be spread out to maximise the distance between students however as most classrooms are not large enough to provide for the full recommended 1.5 meters apart, we will rely on students taking as much care as possible.
- There will be notices limiting the number of students that can be in the Year 12 common room, the Wellbeing room, the Library etc during break times. We expect students to be gracious to each other, comply with the limits and give everybody a fair share.
- A step by step marked queue line will be in place at the canteen with additional staff supervision to achieve the 1.5 M distancing.
- For all verandas, steps, foyers and footpaths, a keep to the left rule will apply. Lines and notices have been installed to remind us.
- To avoid crowding, students may enter their next classroom as they arrive rather than forming a queue outside.
- Access to lockers: we ask students to exercise courtesy in waiting their turn to go to their locker. The guideline is to have one student at their locker for each group of 4 locker doors (2 up, 2 down).
- The locker bell will ring earlier to allow students more access to their lockers or to get to class on time.
- Our Vertical House Group arrangements that we introduced in Term 1, have been put on hold for the rest of the year. They involve excessive mixing of students between different year levels and were to include a series of whole school special events. This is disappointing, but we want to do it well and safely so we plan to have a fresh start with this initiative in 2021.
- As a consequence, there are minor adjustments to our bell times with students being dismissed five minutes earlier in the afternoon at 3.00pm.