From the Office

Welcome Back
The office staff are looking forward to welcoming students back to the school. It has been quiet and lonely in the office without them.
Here are some reminders for you.
Uniform Shop
Fairhills has a compulsory uniform for Years 7-12. All items of uniform except shoes are available from the on-campus Uniform Shop which is open on Thursdays from 12.00pm to 4.00pm.
If your child is out of uniform for any reason, please provide them with a note so that they can be issued with an Out of Uniform Pass for that day. Students must provide the note to Ms Henderson in C Block before Period 1 commences.
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
Parents / Guardians who have a:
* Veterans Affairs Gold Card
* Centrelink Health Care Card
* Pensioner Concession Card
are eligible to apply for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) - $225. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:
- school camps or trips
- swimming and school-organised sport programs
- outdoor education programs
- excursions and incursions
Please complete the attached form and return to the Office if you did not have this fund last year and have not applied this year. Forms must be submitted before the last day of term 2, 2020.
Privacy Policy
Fairhills High School values the privacy of every student and is committed to protecting information that schools collects. Please see the updated Privacy Policy below.
Contact Details
If you have changed any contact details (phone numbers / address / place of employment) - please let us know so we can update your records.
If your child has a medical alert for ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS or EPILEPSY the school MUST be supplied with a new Management Plan every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the school.
Student Absences
If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason, parents can either mark it directly on COMPASS or by calling the Absence Hotline on 9758 5022.
All parents are asked to regularly check students Unexplained Absences in COMPASS to ensure all absences are recorded according to the Department of Education regulations.
To check:
- Log into COMPASS & click onto your child's 'Attendance' Tab.
- Click on the 'Unexplained' Tab.
- Any unexplained absences will appear here with the date and period to be approved.
- You can click in the boxes on the left side of the page and select the dates to record your approval with the appropriate reason for the absence.
- If your child has attended a school related activity and missed their scheduled class and not been flagged in an event or has been accidentally marked incorrectly could you please email the school to have this amended in their absence records.
- Parents can enter approvals for upcoming absences prior to the event in advance such as Family Holidays, Medical appointments etc. in the 'Notes & Approvals' Tab to the left of the 'Unexplained' Tab.
- Alternatively, parents can email the school or send a note to the Office, which includes the Student's Name, Home Group, Reason for Absence and Dates of Absence or phone the School Student Absence line to record any absences.
If your child has missed a SAC or been away for more than a couple of days, then they will be required to supply a doctor's certificate.
Making Appointments/Contacting the School
If you would like to make an appointment with a staff member or teacher, please call the General Office first on 9758 5022 (8.30am-4.00pm).