Wellbeing News

Welcome to Term 4.  

During this term, we will need to draw on all our skills of flexibility, patience and adaptability.  As our first day back has shown us, we need to be ready to bend and sway with last minute changes.  As adults we can find this challenging to deal with and so can our children. 


The plan for this term is to continue with remote learning for two weeks, followed by a mixture of face to face teaching and remote learning before everyone is allowed back at school altogether.  Given that this may look and feel ‘messy’ it is important to plan and work with your child/ren to create a weekly routine and predictability.

Towards the end of last term, we noticed that students were finding it difficult to stay motivated and focussed on remote learning.  As with all new beginnings, such as a new term, I encourage parents to revisit home learning expectations and create a weekly schedule for each child in the family.  This will create routine and independence.  It can also build in time when you are not available due to meetings etc….


Attached are some links about building schedules.

Three Steps to Creating a Schedule

Khan Academy - Tips for Making a Schedule

Raising Children Routines


Three Steps for Creating a Schedule



Examples of Schedules



Mental Health Week 9th -16th October - Look Up! Look Out! Look Forward!

Next week we recognise and support Mental Health Week.  The theme for this year is “Look up! Look out! Look forward!” It is a timely reminder to check in on how we are going.  We all have different ways of coping and respond differently to various stressors.  So please check in with yourself -  how are you feeling?  It is OK to find life challenging, but it is important to share your feelings with loved ones or other support services. The key message is to look out for yourself. So, during this week, please make sure you schedule 30 minutes daily for yourself - do something that brings happiness and be sure to bask in this.  Read a book, watch a show, knit, sew, walk, run, talk to a friend - only you know what will bring pleasure to you.  Why not try the calendar below?

For our students we will be sending home a daily challenge, to remind children to be kind to themselves - do the things that bring joy.  We ask that children take a photo and share that with the class.

If you feel you need support please take advantage of support groups such as:

Beyond Blue                                                                      Men’s Health

Kids Help Line                                                                   Smiling Minds


Please contact the Wellbeing Team if you have any concerns.




Sue Sexton, Monique McIntyreand Kristie Browning 

St Anne’s Wellbeing Team