From the Principal

Ms Noelene Hussey

Dear Families

I hope you all had a restful holiday and as restrictions slowly eased you were able to enjoy longer walks, bike rides and hopefully some picnics with friends.

I thank parents for their understanding about our recent closure. All the affected areas have been deep cleaned so we are ready to be back to our normal routines.

We have been given our roadmap from the government about our staggered return to school. Although our staff will continue to meet the needs of the children in their class during remote learning, they are counting down the days when they will be able to teach face to face in their classrooms. I am sure there will be some very happy parents once their children return to school! I will keep you updated about drop off and pick up areas shortly, but parents will not be permitted to enter the  school grounds before all classes return to school on Wednesday, November 3rd.  


All staff onsite at school will have had at least one vaccination with the expectation that they have their second vaccination by November 29.  This is the expectation for all emergency teachers, cleaners, maintenance workers, allied health workers or any other essential worker required to work onsite. Ventilation will be a priority so classroom windows and doors will be open and we have received air purifiers from the government.

At the moment parents are not allowed inside our buildings. Once we can have parent volunteers, they are required to have had both vaccinations. We will need a copy of each  parent's vaccination record, similar to working with children cards. I also ask that parents wear a mask when at school (including our car parks) and to social distance. 


Once again plans for Term 4 are being put on hold or are being adapted to ensure we are following Department of Health restrictions and advice. 

Book Week will be held remotely with our Book Week Parade being held online on Friday October 15. 

Our Year 4 Camp has had to be cancelled.

Our Grandparents Day will be held remotely on Friday 15th. 

We are waiting for further information regarding the Sunbury Summer Sports Carnival for our Year 6 children.

More information will be sent to Year 6 families about our Confirmation celebration soon.

We are waiting for more information from MACS to see if we can hold our school Junior and Senior sports carnivals.

We hope we can celebrate our Year 6 Graduation and we wait for further advice from MACS.


God Bless,

Ms Noelene Hussey