From the Principal

On the wall of the Learning Hub at St Mary’s College - the space for staff meetings and professional learning - is the statement, 'Growing our love of learning'.  There are many layers of meaning to these words that remind us that for someone to flourish they must be nourished.  


The Aboriginal word for grow is milangkani and on Monday our doors opened for milangkani, our Setup for Success program for children from birth to five years and their parents and carers. 


The program will be held every Monday from 9.00am until 10.30am and involves supporting parents and carers in providing a variety of play-based educational activities to engage children’s learning and curiosity. 


Learning through play promotes communication, relationships and cognitive development - nourishment for flourishing. The idea of the program, although not a new one, has had the support from many and I would like to thank everyone who has worked to make the program a reality, especially Meg Kitchen, Rosemary O’Rourke and our Maintenance and Community Relations teams. 


It was a joy to watch these very young individuals play and a joy to watch the parent engagement as well. 


We have been overwhelmed by the positive response to the launch of the milangkani program and are excited to add an extra session on Monday 7 September. 

Jacqueline Conboy

Acting Principal