
The Riverina Anglican College Chess team played the final game of the Country Secondary Schools Chess Competition against Aurora College Murrumbidgee High (Griffith) at the end of last term.  Once again the game was played on-line. After overcoming the connectivity issues the games were finally started and relatively quickly finished. Unfortunately, our team lost all four games.


I would like to commend the students who stepped up to represent the College in this competition across the year – Hudson Crofts, Brandon Collins, Owen Ranby, Mina Girgis, Miles Martin, Karin Rezkalla and Teddy Leah.


The Interhouse Chess competition continues during lunchtime this term. The students have a couple of rounds left before we begin the finals series. 

Mock Trial

The Mock Trial team completed the round robin section of the competition in first place in the state. An amazing achievement as there were more than 90 schools involved!

This week they competed in the state quarter finals against Eden Marine High School. It was a criminal case that focussed on a grievous bodily harm incident that occurred during a hockey match. We were the Prosecution in the case and had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant had intent behind causing the injury. 


Unfortunately, the team were not able to effectively prove this and the defendant was found not guilty. The overall score was in favour to Eden Marine High School, who are now progressing to the semi-final of the competition. 


A massive thank you to Mrs Tacita Murrell and Mr Tom Coote for assisting the team in their preparation for the trial. 


Congratulations to Isabel Brown, Claire Heazlewood, Trang Nguyen, Sarah Siddiqui, Charlotte Wickson and Tayarni Woods.


Our Academic Captains have hit the ground running and are organising an Interhouse Debating Competition which will be run in the last few weeks of the term. Each House team will be made up of students from across the year levels. We will be using this competition to select the College Debating team to compete in the interschool competitions next year.


Students who would like to be considered for their House team should speak to their House Captain. 









Kylie Woodgate | Head of SWANS