Out of School Hours Update
Out of School Hours Care Program survey and EOI process
The School Council extends a huge thanks to all of the parents, caregivers and children who participated in our recent online survey about the CHPS Out of School Hours (OSHC) program. Thank you also to those parents who participated in the earlier focus group that informed the survey design.
110 people took the time to complete the survey and the feedback was extremely valuable to the Council's review of the program. The results showed that people really value the following features in an OSHC program:
- strong leadership
- consistency and engagement of staff
- a range of engaging activities for children of all ages, and
- availability and flexibility of bookings.
The School Council will have these results firmly in mind as we seek expressions of interest (EOIs) from a number of OSHC providers to provide the CHPS OSHC program for the next 2-3 years.
The EOI and selection process will be wrapped up by the end of October. We'll then notify parents and caregivers of the outcome, and support the successful provider to connect with the school community before the 2021 program commences.
Thank you
Deborah Lawson
School Council