Principal's message

Dear Parents and Carers


This will be our last newsletter for term 3.  Thank you to staff, students and parents/carers for the array of items we have seen in the newsletter over the past 10 weeks.   The submissions this term have really showcased our students' learning and the varied curriculum provided across the year levels by our teachers.  


With the arrival of Spring (and the sun), I have experienced many positives over the past fortnight.  In these different times, it is helpful to express gratitude for the things that make us smile.  Some of my highlights include:

  • Having a student bring in her dolls to school, named Susan and Megan, and have her tell stories about them, particularly how naughty Susan is!
  • Watching the videos of our Junior Happy Dancers - how can you not smile seeing their dance moves and faces
  • Seeing the blossoms appear on the trees as I walk through my neighbourhood with my family

We understand that supporting your child/ren through their remote learning has not been easy; we thank you for your dedication to your child's learning and for supporting our teachers in this environment.  


This clip from The Resilience Project, filmed in March, is still relevant to our current times and is a reminder of the importance of practising Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.  

As you are aware, our Prep-Two students will return to school on Monday 12th October. Remote learning will be provided to all students from 5th-7th October.   Detailed advice will be sent to families regarding return to school arrangements for the P-2 cohort prior to the end of the term.  We know that our grade 3-6 students may be disappointed that they are not returning but teachers are already thinking of ways to support and engage them with their remote learning in term 4.  We all have our fingers crossed that they will join our P-2 students onsite very soon.


Wishing all our families a safe holiday period.

